While it has been confirmed that the Community movie is in the works, Alison Brie does not sound too optimistic that the film will be filmed in the timely manner she would like.

In a recent interview, Brie voiced her excitement about filming the upcoming Community movie. However, because of all the issues that happened while they were filming the show during its run and the lack of clarity of what happens next, she's not optimistic that they will get around to filming the Community movie this year.

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In an interview with Av Club, Brie said that the Community movie supposedly films later this year, though she didn't sound confident. “We are allegedly shooting it this summer, is the most that I know. I saw Joel (McHale) and Danny (Pudi) last week and I was like, ‘Joooooel, where’s the script? What’s the plan?’ And he was kind of just bouncing around. I think right now, it’s just a matter of everybody’s schedule. Most of us have all signed on to do it, everyone who’s in is in, and now everyone is kind of assessing their schedules and hoping that we can make it work to shoot it this summer.” While Brie believes the movie will get made, she's not getting her hopes up regarding if it will be made quickly. “I say this with a hint of [sighs] I don’t trust it! I’m not a skeptic, I do believe that the Community movie will get made. It’s been sold—to Peacock! But because of everything we went through on that show… I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s not until I’m on set that I’ll be like, ‘We’re making it!’"

Community Movie

Community struggled with ratings throughout its run to the point where the show was running on fumes in its last three seasons since they were all 13 episodes long. Its last full season - the third - also went on a long hiatus after it aired its Christmas episode back in 2011 because NBC considered canceling it then. Community survived as long as it did because of how passionate the fanbase was about keeping it going, but that would only last so long before both NBC and Yahoo canceled the show. Of course, the fanbase grew exponentially once the show hit streaming services, which is why many are looking forward to the movie.

It's also why fans can't expect those running everything behind the scenes to churn out a movie as fast as they can, even if they would like to see it as soon as possible. With a project like this, the cast and crew not only have to recapture the same magic they did when the show was at its peak, but they have to create something completely original simultaneously. Community was, in a sense, ahead of its time with its humor and revolutionized parody when it was on the air, so the movie must be more of the same.

You can't rush art, so the Community movie has to be treated delicately while it's in its beginning stages. Though Brie sounds excited to come back as Annie Edison, it seems like she understands that doing this movie will take time based on everyone trying to sync their schedules. If the Community movie turns out as good as the show was at the top of its game, then it was worth the wait.

The Community movie will be released on Peacock.

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Source: AV Club