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Anime Threads

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What Is One Anime You Expected to Hate, but Ended Up Enjoying?

For me, I'd have to say Haikyuu!! - I genuinely did not expect to enjoy it at all, as I had never been a sports anime fan other than watching Kuroko no Basket purely because I had been playing a lot of basketball pretty much my entire life. I gave Haikyuu!! I tried on the off-chance that I found the sketchy/messy art style of some moments to be really interesting when doing an art study of different anime, and I absolutely loved it. I didn't know a single thing about volleyball and had pretty much zero interest in this sport, so I had no expectation of how genuinely impactful the storytelling and how nail-bitingly intense many matches would be. These days, I can not be pumped up when hearing one of Haikyuu!!'s themes or a scene featuring one of the crazy moments, and I'd recommend it within my personal top ten anime of all time.

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Which Akatsuki Member Death in Naruto Was the Most Impactful?

While personally, the most emotionally impactful Akatsuki death for me would have to be Konan, I do have to argue that in terms of the overall impact on other characters and the story itself, it would have to be Nagato. Nagato and the Pain arc in my opinion was the best in the entire series, and the way in which Naruto confronted him and managed to sway the ideals he had believed in for so long was one of the most moving parts in the entire show. Furthermore, this change also affected Konan, who spent the rest of her days acting as the protector of the Hidden Rain in honor of both Yahiko and Nagato and trying to establish a promise of peace for future days with Naruto. It's just a shame she didn't get to live long enough to see those things through.

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If You Could Undo One Death in My Hero Academia, Who Would You Choose?

Honestly, I'd probably have to go with Stain or Toga, as I believe they were both villains who could have been something totally different. It would have been nice to see them grow from their pasts in some way shape or form, even as unrealistic as that seems for what they had done. Toga in particular was just so young, it felt rather tragic that she ended up where she did and then her decisions ultimately led her to die at such a young age. In both of these characters, "good" was showcased in them on more than one occasion, which is truly the type of villain that I enjoy in storytelling.

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If You Could Undo One Death in Attack on Titan, Who Would You Choose?

Honestly, I'd probably have to go with Ymir (freckled). It wasn't until a decent way through the story that I really began to grow an appreciation for her character, but she most certainly stood out to me as the most selfless character in the entire series. All her life, people did her wrong and still she constantly worked to live by her own code, right any wrongs that she made, and take the fall for others simply so that they wouldn't have to. Even though technically she was "free" by sticking to her ideals, it kind of felt like she once again was prioritizing Historia - someone else, over herself, and therefore never got to see true "freedom". I would have much rather seen her pivot to the enemy side and work alongside the Marley soldiers, paying off her "debt" through service and loyalty - which still technically could have worked considering she was so obsessed with Historia's safety. Although, I don't know how satisfying this would be, either, as this is still the opposite of the

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Is Pokemon Running Out Of Original Ideas?

It has been quite a long time since I was heavily mixed in with what was happening in the world of Pokemon, so this is a genuine question looking from the outside in. I recently saw a Pokemon design for a teacup...what was it called, Sinistea? Is this a sign that they're simply running out of ideas for original monsters, or do you still think new creatures stack up against the OGs?

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What's More Important For Budget PC Builds: High FPS Or Image Quality?

If you're making your first step into the custom desktop PC market, whether you're used to playing on laptops or new to gaming in general, being able to run games at a higher framerate can be mind-blowing. When I got my first proper gaming PC and launched?Dark Souls 3?for the first time on the new setup, I was in absolute?awe?that I could run it at 60 FPS with the setup I had, even if I could only run it at 720p. But at the time it still looked and felt great to play because of the higher framerate, and it really impressed me when I made the jump from laptop to desktop PC gamer.

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What is Your Favorite Naruto Opening Theme?

For me, it would have to be Diver. I absolutely love the song, and I feel the emotional impact of the story this opening tells much more than any other throughout the show. I love how it parallels how Naruto and Sasuke are the same, yet so different - a yin and yang who chose different paths. Naruto is drowning, in the darkness of the enemies surrounding him. And then just when he already can't breathe, Sasuke goes in and causes much more pain, intensifying the drowning. Just as Naruto continues to sink, the hands of his friends and comrades appear and push him to the surface, where he bursts out in perfect timing of the music, only to dive right back in to save Sasuke from the same darkness that was suffocating him. This opening has stuck with me, as it truly indicates the importance of friendship throughout the story and how it shaped Naruto into the character he is when he very well could have walked a very different path.

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Anime Matchup - Katsuki Bakugo vs Deidara

Anime Matchup is a chance for readers to share their opinions about who would win hypothetical fights or evaluate similar talents, powers, or skills shared between two characters from different series. Share your opinion about who would win this matchup and why in the comments below! Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs Deidara (Naruto) As much as I love Bakugo as a character, I'm afraid to say I'm fairly certain Deidara would have him beaten in a brawl. Bakugo is significantly slower than Deidara, which puts him at a disadvantage, and while he does have a couple of tricks up his sleeve and a powerful fighting spirit, Deidara just has so much more flexibility in the way that he can use his explosives. Truthfully, it's not even certain that Bakugo could detonate or deflect Deidara's explosives with his own, as the clay is infused with explosive Chakra which he controls, rather than being detonated by more standard methods. Deidara also has such an advantage with molding his clay expl

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Anime Matchup: Hinata Shoyo vs Tetsuya Kuroko

Anime Matchup is a chance for readers to share their opinions about who would win hypothetical fights or evaluate similar talents, powers, or skills shared between two characters from different series. Share your opinion about who would win this matchup and why in the comments below! Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu!!) vs Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket) Personally, I look at this one as a sort of battle of the underdogs - both have their own strengths and talents, as well as holdbacks in their sports. Hinata can jump but struggles to receive and spike the ball at first, while Kuroko was talented enough to be on an elite team but is very limited at what he can do at first, only focusing on assists and steals. In terms of which character takes the crown in this one, I'd have to go with Kuroko for having the more developed talent at the same stage as Hinata, though I have to give Hinata credit as he definitely has a more significant improvement over time. Kuroko, though, has an ability that Hina

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Which Anime Has The Best English Dub?

Dandadan's English dub manages to perfectly capture the chaotic vibe of the original Japanese lines without convoluting any of the messages. I think this is the most fun dub I've had the experience of watching since Love is War, and that's a pretty high standard.

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What’s The Perfect Anime to Binge For Halloween?

While it's not necessarily full of any scary or horror-like moments, the answer for me will always be Soul Eater. The world-building is just full of Halloweenish influences, with spooky architecture, pumpkins, vibrant purple skies, and of course - the iconic eerie smiling sun and moon that light up the sky. Plus, there are a lot of other fun Halloweenish references, with characters that resemble Death Gods aka Shinigami, zombies, witches, gorgons, and demons. Heck, Maka, and Soul even stumble across a 'Jack the Ripper' during the very first episode - It's just the perfect mix of a spooky setting full of vibrant, lovable characters, and even has some solid fight scenes to keep your eyes glued to the screen.

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Which 3D CGI Anime Is Your Favorite?

For me, the clear standout is Trigun Stampede. I think the style really suited this anime, and the fight scenes in particular were really well done with these techniques. Other than that, I did also enjoy the 3D stylization of AJIN: Demi-Human, but feel that the lower framerate was a bit disappointing, and caused my interest to dwindle as the show continued on.

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Do You Prefer Tokyo Revengers or Wind Breaker?

I much preferred Wind Breaker, personally. I enjoy the character's designs more and find the characters themselves to be much more likable. Plus, I also prefer the fact that Wind Breaker lacks the time travel scenarios in Tokyo Revengers. Sure, Sakura might be a bit hot-headed as a protagonist from time to time, but I found it quite enjoyable to watch him get a quick reality check at Furin and learn that they don't just fight to beat other people up and become strong, but to protect their streets and those who are not strong enough to protect themselves.

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Who's Your Favorite Heroine In Anime?

There are so many female protagonists that come to mind when I think of a favorite heroine, but if I had to choose one, it's Lena from 86. She's got a lot of admirable traits, and overall, I just like how she's a strong and sensible person. Hitagi from Monogatari is also high up in my list of favorites, but that's a rabbit hole for another day.

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Who's Your Favorite Anime Shonen Protagonist?

Both Edward and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood remain my two favorite shōnen anime protagonists up until now. I like the dynamic between the two, and I'm pretty sure the series wouldn't have been as good as it was if the brothers weren't as likable.

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What Are Your Favorite Anime Character Tropes?

Shows with underdog main characters are a guilty pleasure of mine. I just can't get enough of them, regardless of how many I've watched. Will from Wistoria: Wand and Sorcery is a good example — he's a very clichéd protagonist, but that doesn't make him any less of a good character, and I love it.

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What Anime Are You Looking Forward To This Fall?

Dan Da Dan has been on my radar ever since it was announced. I loved the manga, and I can't wait for the anime, especially since it's being made by the same people behind Devilman Crybaby and two shorts for Star Wars: Visions.

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