Heading into E3 2018, details about Anthem were few and far between. After a few days of press conferences, hands-on demos, and Twitter Q&As; that's definitely no longer the case.

Yesterday, Anthem?executive producer Mark Darrah took to Twitter and answered dozens of questions from the community. He shared information about everything from squad mates to the lack of PvP. One fan was a little late the question portion of the session, but Darrah was kind enough to give him a reply anyway.

The fans inquiry was all about the game's matchmaking services. For a title that encourages multiplayer, there was a bit of concern about how much players need to come to the game with a group of friends ready to play. Based on Darrah's answer, it doesn't sound like that will be the case at all.

Here's a look at the exchange...

In response to the question about matchmaking for the endgame and all other content, Darrah gave about the most straightforward answer possible: All content will have matchmaking.

This is great news for gamers who are interesting in experiencing Anthem's end game dungeons or raids and don't have any buddies who are ready for the content. Hopefully the game has learned from other multiplayer titles that came before it and will feature a sophisticated and quick matchmaking experience.

Check back for more Anthem and E3 news throughout the rest of the week.

Anthem?will be released on February 22, 2019 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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