Playing solos in Apex Legends is a challenge as solo queue teammates tend to prioritize themselves over the team. Random teammates in Apex Legends usually lack the coordination skills required by many of the best legends. Using legends that favor self-preservation is excellent for solo queue players. Legends with simple abilities are another effective strategy.

RELATED: Every Legend Class, RankedLegends with movement can avoid deadly situations and allow them to move back to their team. Legends with simple abilities can work without much communication, making it an excellent choice for playing with random teammates. Legend classes also play a role in the decision, and controller legends allow teams to function better when playing defensively.

8 Octane

Octane art

Many times random teammates will engage in a fight without any team preparation. Using Octane's abilities will allow players to bridge the gap between themselves and their team quickly. Every second in Apex Legends counts, and rushing into battle to aid teammates faster as Octane will turn the tides of the fight.

Using Octane's abilities correctly will allow players to escape an enemy attack and rush to their team. Octane's ultimate is easy to coordinate with teammates and is a great way to push into any fight.

7 Pathfinder

Pathfinder art

Pathfinder is an excellent legend for solo play due to his immensely powerful tactical as it allows for rapid repositioning that can help players escape an unfavorable position. With his buff in season 16, Pathfinder is regarded as the strongest mobility legend in Apex Legends.

For teamwork, Pathfinders ultimate is easy to use and coordinate. It allows for quick team pushes or zone rotates. The extended length enables Pathfinder to benefit the team through improved repositioning capabilities.

6 Wraith

Wraith art

Wraith has always been the top pick for aggressive players in Apex Legends. Her tactics are great at initiating fights and escaping from any deadly encounter if used correctly. Similarly to Pathfinder, Wraith's ultimate was buffed by increasing the portal distance with a speed boost.

RELATED: Why Wraith Is So PopularThe new portal allows players to create longer portals faster making it ideal for pushing enemy teams or escaping them. Using portals is easy to coordinate with a random team and players will know to use Wraith's portals depending on the situation.

5 Vantage

Vantage sniper

Sniping in Apex Legends is a solid method for getting kills, and starting a fight with a good sniper hit creates an opening for a team to push. Learning to use Vantage as a scout will provide valuable information to the team and keep players on alert. Knowing where enemy players are is essential for the later stages of the game.

Coordinating her ultimate is easy, as players only need to attack one legend. Catching an enemy out in the open with Vantage will allow players to get a knock and enter a fight with favorable odds.

4 Loba

Loba pose

While it may not seem like it, Loba is a superb choice for solo queue players. Loba's passive allows players to easily detect high-tier loot and kit up fast during the early game. Her passive is great for escaping a hairy situation, although players need to be in good cover for it to work reliably.

Loba's ultimate acts as a magnet for every Apex Legends player. Her ultimate will keep most randoms nearby for the loot. Grabbing one of the best weapons in Apex Legends will give players an advantage in the early game and provide ammo in the later stages of the game.

3 Wattson

Wattson pose

Controller legends shine brightest during the end stage of the game. Wattson can fortify areas and allow her team to have a positional advantage while giving enemy teams a hard time. Her fences are great at locking down areas, but her ultimate is her most valuable asset.

Using Wattson's ultimate correctly at the end game allows players to create a mini-safe area safe from many abilities and all ordinances. This means Wattson can prevent her team from being flushed out from an area through abilities or grenades. Random teammates will stick to fenced areas and play more defensively for a victory.

2 Valkyrie

Valkyrie posed

Valkyrie works well in almost any team composition in Apex Legends. Her ultimate is among the strongest in the game and is heavily used in professional tournaments. For solo queue players, Valkyrie provides excellent team repositioning to help players avoid fights and find a safe spot.

RELATED: Ultimate Valkyrie GuideOn top of having the strongest ultimate in the game, Valkyrie is capable of flying and firing accurate missiles. Flying allows Valkyrie to quickly get the high ground and gain the advantage in most fights. Her tactical can stun enemies and is feared by enemy players.

1 Bangalore

Bangalore art

Using Bangalore correctly takes a lot of time as her smokes have a high skill ceiling. Her ultimate requires knowledge on timing to get benefit out of it. Learning Bangalore's abilities will require lots of practice to fully grasp the legend. Her smokes can influence fights and can turn the tides of a battle.

Her ultimate can prevent an aggressive team from pushing. On top of all her powerful abilities, Bangalore's passive allows her to excel in close-quarters combat, as her speed boost makes her a harder target to shoot at. Bangalore's smokes are infamous for reviving teammates in risky situations.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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