Apex Legends' Season 6 is currently underway and with it has come some major changes to the game. Along with a new crafting system and a revamp of the armor system, Season 6 also saw the introduction of the game's 14th legend, the quick-witted modder Rampart. Unfortunately, it seems that new glitch for Rampart has been found, and it could prove quite deadly for those she faces off against.
This isn't the first time that Rampart-related bug has been found since?Apex Legends Season 6 has started. Not long after the new season was released, a game breaking glitch was found where players were being ejected from the game if they shot at the amplified area of Rampart's Amped Cover. This was thankfully patched within a few days of being discovered.
Rampart's newly found bug, however, is a deadly synergistic combo between her and one of the best characters in the game, Gibraltar. Currently in?Apex Legends, players can shoot Rampart's turret, or Sheila as she calls it, through Gibraltar's dome shield. Typically this shield is impenetrable from both sides, however that doesn't seem to be the case with Sheila. And to make matters worse, this overpowered combo doesn't work just in the Firing Range, but in full competitive play as well.
Unfortunately, this isn't the only Sheila-related glitch that's been found in the game either. When the season started, players found that they couldn't detect enemies that were mounted on the mini-gun with Crypto's drone ability. With that bug in play, it almost gave players a level of invisibility and?lessened?part of Crypto's use in a team composition, while others would surely pick Rampart to gain an unfair advantage.
Apex Legends seems to have been filled to the brim with new bugs with the Season 6 update. In addition to all of the Rampart related?problems found in the season, other glitches have been spotted such as one that makes energy weapons like the new Volt SMG and Devotion completely silent, allowing players to effectively hide their positions when firing on an enemy. Although no reason for this seeming surplus of bugs has been given, it could be due to the fact that developers?have been working from home due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Although bugs like this have been plentiful in the almost two weeks since Season 6 launched, it does seem like?Apex Legends players are having a generally good time with the game. Many players have taken to social media, sharing incredible video clips of major Rampart plays using the season's new systems. Hopefully, players will be able to focus on these good times, rather than the potentially negative ones when faced with a nasty bug.
Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One with Switch and mobile versions currently in development.