Anyone who has been playing Apex Legends following the Season 9 update will know that the new content did not get off to the best start.?Apex Legends' servers were down?for the first few days of the update, with many players hardly even getting the chance to explore Season 9 at all.
Unfortunately, with any new major season update of a multiplayer game like Apex Legends, there are bound to be issues and glitches that crop up for the first few weeks. Now, another issue, which the development team at Respawn has publicly acknowledged, has surfaced surrounding Apex Legends' defensive character Wattson that could severely limit her combat abilities.
The issue in question has to do with Wattson's tactical ability, called perimeter security. Right now in Season 9, Wattson's tactical ability no longer stuns?or slows enemies down as intended. Instead, enemies can pass right through the electric fences, only taking a small amount of damage and not receiving any movement penalties. Considering Wattson's tactical ability is one of the most important parts of her kit when in combat, this is a major hindrance to the character in Season 9 at the moment.
The issue came about thanks to Twitter user Lila, who created a helpful gif of the problem. Thankfully, Respawn's development support Twitter account responded to the tweet saying they would pass the issue along to the rest of the team. This isn't the first issue that members of the Respawn team have responded to Twitter this season, as Apex Legends' producer Josh Medina responded to a player?who noticed some loot-related issues in Season 9. While these bugs can certainly be quite frustrating for the game's player base. it is reassuring that Respawn seems to be on top of things.
Sadly, Wattson is not the only character that is suffering from some unintended bugs. Recently, players discovered that Valkyrie's ultimate ability could glitch out, even resulting in some players falling through the map. While the glitch seems to be somewhat circumstantial unlike Wattson's glitch, it similarly limits Valkyrie's abilities in combat. Again, issues like these are common at the start of new content updates for multiplayer games, and the overall experience should smooth out over the next few weeks.
It's also important to note that many players haven't encountered some of these problems at all. Plenty of players are simply enjoying Season 9's new content and exploring the recent changes made to Apex Legends' Olympus map. In the meantime, Respawn is no doubt hard at work behind the scenes trying to fix the various issues players are experiencing. For the time being, though, Wattson players may want to consider shifting over to another character until the issues with her tactical ability are fixed.
Apex Legends?is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.