Kibble is ideal for taming animals quickly and efficiently in Ark: Survival Evolved. Here's how to make this useful item. Ark: Survival Evolved is a great survival adventure that allows players to build powerful bases, survive on a desolate island, and tame creatures from dinosaurs to giant turtles. Taming is an aspect that requires a certain amount of skill, understanding, and the right food.

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Taming Animals can be a real challenge when players don't have the right food. It's often a lengthy process that requires a vast amount of resources, time, and patience, and even after all this there's still a chance players won't be successful. This is where Kibble comes in. It's an extremely useful resource in Ark: Survival Evolved and will undoubtedly make players' lives much easier.

What Kibble Is Used For

A taming Triceratops

At its simplest description, Kibble is an inedible food item that can be used to tame creatures. It speeds up the process when the player is initially taming the dinosaur of their choice and makes it much more efficient and not as resource-heavy.

While it may speed up the taming process as a whole, it has other elements that can help save the player's life or make their experience a little easier. Feeding Kibble to a creature to tame it will grant them better stats once the process has been completed. This can make them stronger, healthier, or quicker depending on the animals. All these benefits may be concerning when it comes to creating the Kibble, but luckily it's one of the easier recipes in Ark: Survival Evolved and requires few ingredients and even fewer machines to make it in.

The Ingredients

Eggs and Meat Jerky

Due to the fact, that there are six different versions of Kibble available to be created on the console edition of Ark, selecting the one players should make all depends on the creature they're intending to tame. Each creature will prefer a different type of Kibble and feeding them the wrong one will prove the polar opposite of effective. Nevertheless, creating any type of Kibble requires a fair few ingredients.

This table shows the ingredients for the Console version of Ark: Survival Evolved.



First Ingredient

Second Ingredient

Third Ingredient

Fourth Ingredient

Fifth Ingredient

Sixth Ingredient

Basic Kibble

Extra Small Egg

Five Mejoberries

Ten Amarberries

Ten Tintoberries

One Cooked Meat

Five Fiber


Simple Kibble

Small Egg

Five Mejoberries

Two Rockarrots

One Cooked Fish Meat

Five Fiber


Regular Kibble

Medium Egg

Two Longrass

Two Savoroots

One Cooked Meat Jerky

Five Fiber


Superior Kibble

Large Egg

Two Citronal

Two Rare Mushrooms

One Prime Meat Jerky

One Sap

Five Fiber


Exceptional Kibble

Extra Large Egg

Ten Mejoberries

One Rare Flower

One Focal Chili

Five Fiber


Extraordinary Kibble

Special Egg

Ten Mejoberries

One Giant Bee Honey

One Lazarus Chowder

Five Fiber


The console edition of this game only has five different versions of Kibble to feed to creatures. Unfortunately, the Mobile or Switch version has many more, making it more specific to each animal and a bit more challenging for the player.

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This table shows the ingredients for the Mobile and Switch version of Ark: Survival Evolved based on what Kibble to craft for each creature.

The Kibble For Each Creature


First Ingredient

Second Ingredient

Tapejara Kibble

Allosaurus Egg


Cooked Prime Meat

Carno Kibble

Ankylo Egg


Prime Meat Jerky

Diplocaulus Kibble

Archaeopter Egg


Cooked Fish Meat

Spino Kibble

Argentavis Egg


Prime Meat Jerky

Megatherium Kibble

Baryon Egg


Raw Fish Meat

Sabertooth Kibble

Bronto Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Bronto Kibble

Turtle Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Direwolf and Dire Bear Kibble

Carno Egg


Cooked Meat

Iguanodon Kibble

Compy Egg


Cooked Fish Meat

Ankylo, Doedicurus, Equus, and Pachy Kibble

Dilo Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Gallimimus Kibble

Dimetrodon Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Megaloceros Kibble

Dimorph Egg


Cooked Meat

Allosaurus Kibble

Diplo Egg


Rare Flower

Pteranodon, Ichthyosaurus, Mesopithecus Kibble

Dodo Egg


Cooked Meat

Terror Bird, Castoroides Kibble

Gallimimus Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Royal Griffin, Unicorn Kibble

Griffin Egg

Savoroot, Longrass, Citronal

Cooked Prime Meat Snake Plant Seeds

Daeodon Kibble

Iguanodon Egg

Rare Mushroom

Prime Meat Jerky

Angler Kibble

Kairuku Egg


Cooked Meat

Diplodocus Kibble

Lystro Egg


Cooked Prime Meat

Therizinosaur Kibble

Megalosaurus Egg


Two Prime Meat Jerky

Purlovia Kibble

Moschops Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Megalosaurus Kibble

Oviraptor Egg


Prime Meat Jerky

Paracer Kibble

Pachy Egg


Cooked Meat

Baryon Kibble

Pachyrhino Egg


Cooked Prime Fish Meat

Raptor Kibble

Parasaur Egg


Cooked Meat

Archaeopter Kibble

Pelagornis Egg


Ten Chitin

Carbonemys Kibble

Pteranodon Egg


Cooked Meat

Rex, Beelzebufo Kibble

Pulmonoscorpius Egg


Prime Meat Jerky

Mosasaurus,Giganotosaurus, Dimetrodon Kibble

Quetzal Egg

Three Rockarrots

Three Prime Meat Jerky

Mammoth Kibble

Raptor Egg


Cooked Meat

Plesiosaur, Quetzal Kibble

Rex Egg


Prime Meat Jerky

Stegosaurus Kibble

Sarco Eg


Cooked Meat Jerky

Megalodon Kibble

Spino Egg


Prime Meat Jerky

Argentavis Kibble

Stego Egg


Prime Meat jerky

Kaprosuchus Kibble

Tapejara Egg


Cooked Prime Meat

Wooly Rhino Kibble

Terror Bird Egg


Cooked Meat

Basilosaurus Kibble

Therizino Egg



Gigantopithecus, Dunkleosteus

Titanoboa Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky


Trike Egg


Cooked Meat Jerky

How To Get Eggs

A collection of Eggs

Getting hold of the other ingredients shouldn't be too much of a challenge as players progress through the game. For example, beginners may find it tough to create Extraordinary Kibble but as they progress through the game and different resources begin to get easier to find, they should be able to grab the required ingredients. The first and main element players will want to get hold of are the eggs. This is needed for any type of Kibble and typically the name hints at where the egg will come from.

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Firstly, find a female dinosaur of the size players want the egg to be, Dodo's can't lay Large Eggs, and a Triceratops can't lay Small Eggs. It's worth finding or taming a female creature and finding them a mate. This will allow them to be mate boosted. Players can mate boost their pets by having two different gendered pets of the same species nearby each other. It should be obvious as to if this has worked by the sign of a pink heart by their name.

Once this has been achieved the player will just need to wait. If the creature is mate boosted then the player shouldn't need to wait around the pen for the female to lay an egg as it can happen no matter where the player is. However, it's worth checking in every so often since it does decompose 30 minutes after dropping.

Essentially, a female boosted creature has a high chance to drop an egg every 17 minutes. Once the egg has dropped players have eight-day before it spoils.

How To Make Kibble

Kibble and a tamed dinosaur

Kibble itself can be made through either a Cooking Pot, an Industrial Cooker, or the TEK Kibble Processor. For ease, it's worth using a cooking pot for the beginning of the game since it doesn't do too much in terms of efficiency when compared to the amount of work it is to create the Kibble Processor or the Industrial Cooker.

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Simply, take the ingredients required for the Kibble and place it all into the Cooking Pot. Players on console will need to make sure they have at least 25 percent water in there before cooking. Then, add some thatch to the bottom to light the fire. Using Wood or having charcoal will often create something the player doesn't want so be careful when creating this recipe.

After the campfire is on and the ingredients are in, the player will need to wait 30 seconds, and it will produce some Kibble. In short steps the player needs to:

  1. Put all the ingredients in an empty Cooking Pot
  2. Light it with Thatch
  3. Wait 30 seconds
  4. Bring out the Kibble

Ark: Survival Evolved is available now on: Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Mobile, and Switch.

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