About GameSprout
GameSprout is a community-driven gaming video initiative started by two schoolmates back in 2008. Over the years, it's evolved into one of the premiere places for videos that are by gamers, for gamers. Everything is community driven and user submitted, spanning the world of funny, wholesome or flat-out weird gaming moments.

Accidental Win - Landing Safely!
A player scores a huge multi-elimination in Apex Legends and more accidental wins.

Accidental Win - Fight The Rainbow!
Accidental shots hit their target and more wins in Rainbow Six Siege.

Accidental Win - Rainbow the Rainbow!
A player clears a room and other accidental wins in Rainbow Six Siege.

How I Enter The Room! (Game Fails #289)
A collection of clips from The Last Of Us Part II and more funny game fails.

Moving In For A Closer Look! (Game Fails #287)
A player falls into the void in Red Dead Redemption 2 and more funny game fails.

Having A Rough Day! (Game Fails #285)
A player gets a little too much momentum in Skate 3 and more funny game fails.

Accidental Win - Time To Buy A Lottery Ticket!
Agent 47 hides a victim in a smooth way and more accidental wins.

Accidental Win - Pick The Rainbow!
A collection of clips and accidental wins from Rainbow Six Siege.

Accidental Win - Falling On Target!
A player makes a leap of faith in Far Cry and more accidental wins.

That Was Something! (Game Fails #284)
Franklin has a hard time stealing a garbage truck in Grand Theft Auto and more funny game fails.

Get Me Off This Island! (Game Fails #280)
A player celebrates in the crowd in Fifa and more funny game fails.

Everything Is Against Me! (Game Fails #283)
Power Armor gets stuck in a shopping cart in Fallout 76 and more funny game fails.

Will It Break! (Game Fails #279)
A player gets pushed through the wall in Uncharted 3 and more funny game fails.

Accidental Win - Grenade, Grenade, Grenade!
A player cleans up with grenades in PUBG and more accidental wins.

Accidental Win - Somewhere Over The Rainbow!
Players get accidental wins with pistols and more in Rainbow Six Siege.