Kenneth Rasmussen
About Kenneth Rasmussen
I've been playing video games since roughly around the time I developed the cognitive function to do so.?
I do not claim to know everything about every game, but I am always willing to learn.?
Proudest Gaming Achievement
Whenever I find a game that I can 100% over and over again. It's not the biggest achievement in the grand scheme of things, and doing it too often can become dull. Still, I take pleasure coming back to them every now and again.
So far, the only games I have experienced this with are the Wii-based Poképark duology, and South Park: The Stick of Truth. Coincidentally, both of these games place an emphasis on getting as many friends as possible.
Favorite Games
Anything with a cast of characters I like. Genres of game that tend to emphasize the various characters, like fighting games and RPGs, can find me among their fans.
Examples of recent favorites include Hades, Unicorn Overlord, and the greater Ace Attorney franchise as a whole.
Hades is a roguelike, but does such a fun job of implementing the various characters you encounter. While Zagreus continually tries to escape the underworld, you see the cast grow and develop, and they become essential to showcasing how things change with each escape.
Unicorn Overlord is a bit more compact with its characterization, but the cast is decently varied. It's fun to mix and match party members, and watch them grow a rapport with one another.
While I am not as into mystery novels, Ace Attorney won me over in part because of how entertaining the characters can be. Whether we're talking about entertaining leads like Phoenix and Maya, or the various supporting casts in each game, there are always a lot of entertaining figures to go along with the series' brand of humor.
Favorite Console
The Steam Deck. It is essentially a prebuilt gaming PC with the controls designed to resemble a console.
This sort of console is a great investment for someone who wants to play steam games without punishing a previously utilized computer.
I wish it had better functionality when it comes to certain games the platform hosts, but with its versatility and alleviation of most hangups PC gamers would have, it is probably the best console I can think of.
The Nintendo Switch is pretty great too.

One Piece: The Justice Of Every Marine Admiral
Oda has confirmed each marine admiral has their own form of upheld justice. This list will look at each justice and how it informs their actions.

One Piece: 5 Villains Who Could Aid Luffy
Luffy has accepted help from former foes in the past, and these old enemies may become more examples of this occurrence.

5 Best Namco Arcade Classics, Ranked
These classics have more than stood the test of time, becoming synonymous with the golden age arcade of games.
One Piece: 5 Things We Know About God’s Knights
More facts about this mysterious group are steadily becoming known.

8 Video Game Heroes Who Are Secretly The Villain
Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, and sometimes the same person, like in the case of these villainous video game heroes.

One Piece: Usopp’s Pop Greens, Ranked
A ranking of Usopp's various pop greens; seeds which rapidly grow into a variety of wild plants.

One Piece: Best Devil Fruits Not Used For Combat
Despite lacking in direct combat power, these Devil Fruits are still quite useful.

5 Best Games Starring Demigods, Ranked
These excellent video games allow players to take control of demigods as they explore (and sometimes conquer) their own diverse pantheons.

One Piece: 10 Most Influential Villains
As far as known entities in the series go, these are the major villains who possess the most influence.

Mario Kart 9: 10 Mario Characters Who Should Be In The Next Game
With some old, some new, and some not yet in view these various characters from the greater series should be playable in the new Mario Kart.

One Piece: Best Donquixote Doflamingo Quotes
Donquixote Doflamingo's lust for power in One Piece is illustrated in his self-serving and arrogant speaking style.

One Piece: 7 Most Versatile Devil Fruits, Ranked
Among all the Devil Fruit powers seen in One Piece, these are the most versatile, either due to their nature or to the nature of their users.

One Piece: 7 Villains With The Most Tragic Pasts
Despite their awful deeds, one cannot deny these villains have gone through hardships.

One Piece: 5 Weirdest Weapons In The Series
One Piece has some especially odd choices as far as weapons go...

One Piece: 10 Obscure Species
Many obscure races in One Piece have not yet been elaborated on. Some may play bigger roles in the future, while others will remain a mystery.

Best Voice Acting Roles By Bryan Cranston, Ranked
Bryan Cranston is one of the most celebrated actors thanks to roles like Walter White in Breaking Bad, but he's also had great voice performances.

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Hate Their Fathers
Commonly due to clashes of ideals, these pirates have negative relationships with their fathers.

5 Games Where Villains Are Not Defeated In Combat
Violence is not the answer in these video games. Instead, conventions of other genres are used to defeat or evade the enemy.

One Piece: Worst Generation, Ranked By Morality
This list looks at the morals of the collection of pirates known as One Piece's Worst Generation.

One Piece: Every Longarm In The Series
The Longarm Tribe has made sporadic appearances throughout One Piece. Here's what fans need to know.