Muhit Rahman
About Muhit Rahman
Muhit Rahman is a writer at Game Rant from Bangladesh. A gamer since childhood, he grew up on strategy titles like Commandos, Desperados, and Warcraft. For the past two years, Muhit has been crafting game guides, sharing his expertise with fellow players. Writing isn't just a job for Muhit—it's a passion that allows him to combine his love for gaming with his talent for words.
When not writing articles or immersed in virtual worlds, he expresses his creativity as a guitarist, performing with his band Unmaad.
Favorite Console
Primarily a PC gamer for its flexibility, Muhit also enjoys console gaming. He uses an Xbox Series S and a PlayStation 4 for a more relaxed, couch-based experience with single-player titles.
Favorite Games
While Muhit's gaming journey began with strategy titles, his tastes have diversified over the years. He's a huge fan of the Metroidvania genre, with Hollow Knight and Blasphemous ranking among his all-time favorites. Muhit also relishes the challenge of Soulslike games, particularly Sekiro and Dark Souls 3.Recently, Muhit has been drawn to roguelike games, enjoying titles such as Hades and Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor. For his competitive gaming fix, Muhit turns to Dota 2, which he plays daily and has achieved the impressive rank of Divine 2.
Other single player games he loves: Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, God of War series, The Witcher III, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and more.
Proudest Gaming Achievement
Muhit's proudest gaming moment came when he clinched victory in a local Dota 2 tournament. This debut event saw him playing as a Position 4 support for team CXG. Despite being newcomers, Muhit and his team demonstrated exceptional skill and teamwork, ultimately securing the top spot in the competition. This achievement not only validated Muhit's dedication to the game but also showcased his ability to perform under pressure in a competitive setting.

Deadlock: Calico Build Guide
Learn to master the shadows and dominate one-on-one duels against any enemy heroes in Deadlock with this complete build guide for Calico.

Clash Royale: Best Boat Defense Decks
Want to build the strongest Boat Defense to help your Clan secure the top spot in Clan Wars? Here are the best decks for you in Clash Royale.

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Super Touchdown Event
Here are some of the best decks that you can try out in the Super Touchdown event in Clash Royale Season 68 for easy wins.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist - How Long to Beat
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist offers a dense exploration-heavy Metroidvania experience. Here's how long it takes to beat the game.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist - How to Upgrade Relics
The Relic Refinery, once unlocked, allows players to upgrade their Relics to get stronger bonuses in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

How To Get All Endings In Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist has two different endings that players can unlock, though the True Ending takes some extra effort to earn.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist - How to Get Hati's Charge (Break Growths)
This guide will help you defeat Veol, the Crazed Wolf in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist to unlock the ability to break Growths using Hati's Charge.

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Wondering how to secure your spot as a Sniper in Hell Let Loose? Here's everything you need to know about unlocking the Sniper class in the game.

How to Get Garm's Iron Stake (Ground Slam Ability) in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
This guide will help you defeat Garm, the Giant Gravedigger in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist to unlock the Garm's Iron Stake traversal ability.

How to Get Shackled Beast's Counter (Parry Ability) in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
This guide will help you defeat the Shackled Beast in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist to unlock the Shackled Beast's Counter Homunculi ability.

How to Unlock More Relic Slots in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
Wondering how to use more than one or two Relics in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist? Here's what you need to know about unlocking more Relic Slots.

Dota 2: Puck Position 2 Build Guide
Master the art of playing Puck as the Position 2 of your team with this complete build guide for the elusive Faerie Dragon in Dota 2.

How to Unlock Fast Travel in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
The world in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist is pretty big and exploring it all isn't easy without fast travel. Here's how to unlock it.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist - How to Beat Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman
Yolvan, the Black-Winged Huntsman can be a hard boss to fight. Here's all you need to know about beating him in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist - How to Change Difficulty
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist offers plenty of ways to customize your gameplay experience. Here's how you can change the difficulty of the game.

Supermarket Together: Beginner Tips For An Early Profit
Having trouble getting through the early hours of Supermarket Together? Here are a few beginner tips to help you make an early profit in the game.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect: How to Unlock Prototypes
BlazBlue Entropy Effect features 13 unique playable characters, called Prototype, each with a distinct playstyle. Here's how to unlock them all.

Deadlock: The Magnificent Sinclair Build Guide
The Magnificent Sinclair is a fantastic duelist-style hero in Deadlock who excels in one-on-one fights. Here's a complete build guide for the hero.

Clash Royale: Best Decks with Spear Goblins
Spear Goblins is an underrated card in Clash Royale. Here are some of the best decks with it to dominate your games in the arena.

Dota 2: Juggernaut Build Guide
This guide will show you the best Juggernaut build in Dota 2 to help you dominate your ranked games and climb the MMR ladder.