Nyah Payne
About Nyah Payne
Nyah Payne has been playing games since she was little, and writing for even longer! She graduated from Falmouth Univeristy with a degree in Game Development: Writing, getting to combine her two biggest passions. She spent three years in gorgeous Cornwall developing video games, researching the industry, and writing detailed articles about games. A great deal of thanks is owed to her team mates and lecturers who made the experience so fulfilling, and the work she produced can be seen on her website.
Now she is thrilled to continue her journey writing about video games and other media for Game Rant. A huge fan of anything fantasy, horror, or post-apocalypse, she has a particular love for branching narratives. She is also a huge nature lover, and will always be happy to discuss that one animal from that one piece of media that is just too cute for its own good!
Favorite Games
My current favourite game is Baldur's Gate 3, as seen by the amount of articles I write about it! I am also a huge fan of the Supermassive Games, and both branching narratives and horror games. My favourite genres lie somewhere in between fantasy and post-apocalyptic horror!
Industry Focus
I enjoy writing both about and for video games, with most of my articles talking about compelling narratives, particularly those that branch! These are also what I tend to write in my free time.
Favorite Console
I've grown up with many a console, from Xbox to Nintendo, and I do a fair bit of PC gaming, but I'm really a PlayStation girl at heart. Some of the incredible narrative PS exclusive games really tip it in their favour for me!

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Lightning Spells, Ranked
Baldur's Gate 3 has some shockingly good lightning spells for when players want to get trigger zappy on their foes, but one spell outranks them all.

Elden Ring: 20 Bosses That Are Very Easy To Miss
The vast world of FromSoftware's Elden Ring hides hundreds of secrets, some of which are entirely optional boss fights that players can easily miss.

Baldur's Gate 3: 15 Best Rings You Can Get In Act 1, Ranked
Enchanted rings in Baldur's Gate 3 can provide players with handy perks, and there are plenty to pick up, even in Act 1.

Baldur's Gate 3: 20 Things To Do Before Going To Act 3
Act two of Baldur's Gate 3 raises the stakes from the first act. These missable encounters are worth experiencing before the third and final act.

Baldur's Gate 3: 22 Things To Do Before Going To Act 2
There is a lot to pack into Larian's RPG, but some stops are definitely worth making before progressing past the first act of Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Summons, Ranked
Magic within Baldur's Gate 3 means that most players will be able to summon something to aid them in battle, but some summons prove to be more useful.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Allies In The Final Battle, Ranked
The final battles in Baldur's Gate 3 allow the player to summon various allies to join them on the battlefield. These ones provide the best support.

Baldur's Gate 3: 21 Characters You Should Kill
Baldur's Gate 3 players a likely to take down a variety of characters during their playthrough, but some NPCs are more rewarding to kill than others.

Baldur's Gate 3: 16 Reasons To Romance Minthara
The drow, Minthara, is one of the many romance options in Baldur's Gate 3. A slightly more evil love interest, there are many reasons to romance her.

Elden Ring: 10 Bosses That Are Only Hard The First Time You Face Them
Elden Ring is infamous for its challenging boss encounters, but some interesting ones only pose a threat on a player's first fight.

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Permanent Buffs In The Game And How To Get Them
These buffs will last a player through the whole game and provide a significant benefit to their Baldur's Gate 3 experience.

Star Wars: All Lightsaber Colors, Ranked By Rarity
Lightsabers are the quintessential Star Wars weapon, and they are as varied as the characters that wield them. Some colors are rarer than others.

Baldur's Gate 3: 12 Best Character Endings, Ranked
Baldur's Gate 3's branching narrative produces many character endings, but some prove more compelling than others.

The Outlast Trials: Every Trial, Ranked
The Outlast Trials has plenty of primary trials to put players through, but some are a little more enjoyable than others.

Content Warning: 10 Scariest Monsters, Ranked
Despite its amusing antics, Content Warning is still a horror game, as these terrifying monsters remind players.

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Influential Deities, Ranked
Baldur's Gate 3 takes its lore from the Forgotten Realms, including its deities. They have a huge pantheon, but some are more involved with the plot.

10 Most Immersive Ubisoft Games, Ranked
Ubisoft's open-worlds are beloved for their breadth and attention to detail, with these titles being some of the developer's most immersive creations.

Baldur's Gate 3: 11 Reasons To Romance Shadowheart
There's a good reason why Shadowheart is such a popular romance choice for players in Baldur's Gate 3, and here's a handful for those unconvinced.

Best Xbox 360 Game From Every Year Of The Console's Life
Although production of the Xbox 360 stopped in 2016, the console still had a 12-year lifespan filled with beloved games that are classics.

10 Creepy Games That Mess With Your Device
Fourth wall breaks have become a really effective device in video games, especially horror games when it comes to messing with the player's device.