In Patch 5 for Baldur's Gate 3, Larian Studios did its typical touch-ups, bug fixes, and balancing. It also added two new ways to experience the Baldur's Gate 3 campaign: Honour Mode and Custom Mode. The former is the game's difficulty pushed to the max, while the latter lets players play mostly how they desire.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Wyll Build

Wyll is a powerful character that can be an amazing companion throughout BG3.

How much can players affect when starting a game and what limits are there to the mode once the game gets started? The guide will sort it all out for curious players. Baldur's Gate 3 is ultimately about playing the way one wants to within the rules of the world, and with Custom Mode, players get to adjust some of those rules for themselves.

How to Activate Custom Mode

Baldur's Gate 3 custom mode

To activate Custom Mode, players just need to start a new game from the menu and then select it when choosing a difficulty. It is the option to the right. Custom Mode is also available to players if they fail their Honour Mode run. Players can continue from their last save in Custom Mode, only they will not receive the reward for completing Honour Mode.

Custom mode cannot be accessed in multiplayer or an already existing campaign. Players have to either start a new game or transfer to it from a failed Honour Mode run

What Rules Are Adjustable in Custom Mode?

Baldur's Gate 3 custom mode options

The following settings are adjustable in Custom Mode:

  • Single Save: set whether players can keep multiple saves throughout the campaign
  • Determine individually whether enemy aggression, character power, enemy loadouts, and other combat mechanics follow Explorer, Balanced, or Tactician difficulty mode rules.
  • Proficiency Bonus: determine how big of a stat bonus is added to skill checks dealing with proficient skills (from 0 to 4)
  • Enemy Critical Hits: Determine if enemies can land critical hits on the party
  • No Death Saving Throws: If on, party members are knocked out and stabilized and do not risk death from losing death saving throws during their turn
  • Disable Free First Strikes: If on, attacking before the battle begins costs that character their turn
  • Camp Cost Multiplier: The average cost for a long rest is 40 (80 on Tactician); determine whether that is halved, unchanged, or increased (up to 120)