Even after players reach act three of Baldur's Gate 3, they have a ways to go before they can enter the city itself. Fortunately, there is entertainment aplenty in the outskirts, in particular the Circus of the Last Days by the Open Hand Temple.

As the hawker explains, the Circus of the Last Days is an interdimensional troupe, and so both the entertainment and the employees are an unusually diverse bunch. The circus is also a nod to the earlier Baldur's Gate games, which always include a circus somewhere in the world. The one in Baldur's Gate 3 lives up to the legacy, and players can start an unusual side quest by visiting.

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How to Enter the Circus of the Last Days

Baldurs Gate 3 Circus Front Door

The first hurdle players will need to cross is finding a way into the circus grounds. Between Bhaal-inspired serial killings and Bane-related strife and unrest, Baldur's Gate isn't the safest place, and so the hawker Klaus has a ghoul, Benjamin, to sniff out potential killers.

Benji doesn't like the smell of the tadpole in the protagonist's head, and so Klaus is reluctant to let the party in. Players can try Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation against a 15 to convince Klaus to let them in, or they can bribe Klaus with 200 gold.

Another option is to sneak into the circus from the back. There are two gates that lead to the Open Hand Temple grounds around the back of the circus area, and neither of them is forbidden. Players can also use spells like Fly or Dimension Door to bypass Klaus and the locked doors.

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