The current sensation in the gaming world, Baldur’s Gate 3, has an incredibly vast array of challenges for players to go through. The game gives the players a lot of freedom to build their own adventure and take it on as they like. Thanks to the vast world and the incredible challenges that it puts forward, players will probably not finish the game in less than 100 hours.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 has many fights and challenges for the player to tackle throughout its story. The player, throughout their adventure, will have to heal an innumerable amount of time as taking damage is inevitable. Here’s every way to heal.

How To Restore Health?

Using another healing spell - Baldurs Gate 3 Party Tips

Being able to heal party members is essential in a game like Baldur’s Gate 3 as characters are bound to lose HP from attacks from enemies, or other occurrences, such as terrain effects. To achieve that, there are multiple options the game offers.

The first way to heal in BG3 is by using items. The best item for this job is the Potion of Healing, which has two stronger versions as well – the Potion of Greater Healing, and the best one, Potion of Superior Healing. The player can either find these, or craft them themselves. These options can easily be used both in and out of battle.

The player can also make use of healing spells. The best classes for healing magic are the Cleric, the Bard, the Druid, and the Paladin. There are many spells that can help players, for example, Prayer of Healing , Healing Word , Healing Radiance, Cure Wounds , and many more. The player’s first healer will probably be Shadowheart, a half-elf cleric.

The game also provides the option to rest. Firstly, there is the option to take a Long Rest – an option the players get when they go to the camp and use supplies to sleep. This will restore all HP and remove any negative status effects.

After the player long rests, they get access to two short rests. This restores some HP and doesn’t take up any resources.

What To Use During Combat

When the player is engaged in combat, they have access to all the ways of healing. Players should mostly rely on items and healing spells when fighting enemies.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that items take up bonus action when healing. Healing spells on the other hand can be anything from a bonus action, to a simple action, depending on the specific spell.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.

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