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Lae'zel is the first party member players meet in Baldur's Gate 3. She helps the protagonist through the nautiloid ship during the prologue, and players can recruit her into the party permanently by helping her escape her captors near the nautiloid ruins.

Like the other party members, it's possible for the Baldur's Gate 3 protagonist to romance Lae'zel. However, she can have very particular opinions about how players should behave, which can make it tricky for a traditionally heroic character to get into her good graces. This guide will explain how to get on Lae'zel's good side, and what lies in store for players who want her to be the romantic interest.

This guide contains spoilers regarding major plot points. Readers should avoid the Endings section unless they want to know what can happen.RELATED: Why You Should Romance Lae'zel in Baldur's Gate 3

Act 1

Baldurs Gate 3 Lae'zel Romance Act 1

The only real hurdle to getting Lae'zel's attention during Act 1 is getting her approval rating up. There are several ways to do this:

  • When Lae'zel talks about the githyanki, especially about getting their cure, players should agree with her. When meeting githyanki, allow her to take the lead. She also hates mind flayers, so avoid any show of sympathy towards them or any interest in their powers.
  • In conversations, Lae'zel appreciates a protagonist who demands respect and is always willing to fight. She dislikes protagonists who sympathize with the weak, but she can accept those who protect the weak by threatening or fighting the strong.
  • In battle, Lae'zel prefers protagonists who show no mercy to fallen foes. However, she doesn't mind when the protagonist resolves a conflict by talking, so long as they don't show any weakness in the process.
  • Lae'zel is a very direct person, and she often approves of dialog choices that are blunt or even mocking.
  • Like other party members, Lae'zel is willing to romance a protagonist of any gender, race, or class.

Once her approval level is high enough, players can mention that Lae'zel is looking at the protagonist differently. During the next free long rest, she'll take the protagonist aside for a bit of physical fun. She wants to be the one in charge, but players can reverse the roles with a successful DC 15 Intimidation check. However, this makes no real difference to any future events or dialog.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Romanceable Characters

Act 2

Baldurs Gate 3 Lae'zel Romance Act 2

If players maintain Lae'zel's approval, then during an early Act 2 long rest she'll reveal that she's been thinking about the protagonist more than she thought she would. She'll demand a one-on-one duel with them, right then and there.

The winner of the duel isn't important. If the protagonist wins, Lae'zel will realize that they can take care of her. If Lae'zel wins, she'll realize that she loves the protagonist too much to hurt them. Still, players can stack the odds if they like by taking her armor, weapons, and potions before bedding down, and they don't have to hold anything back since the long rest will restore any lost spell slots, abilities, and magic items after the fight.

On future evenings, Lae'zel will ask for a softer approach when sharing a bed, and players can convince her to kiss in public with a successful Persuasion check.

Players should also be aware that, while Lae'zel is open to any sort of romantic partner, she refuses to engage in any sort of polyamory or open relationship. If players stay with Lae'zel after the duel, she'll shoot down any suggestion to share, and she'll end the relationship if she catches the protagonist cheating on her.

Act 3