When players get to Act 3 in Baldur’s Gate 3, they will reach the outskirts of a city, Rivington. However, access to the Lower City is unavailable. Many players do not know how to get to the Lower City to progress their story further, but all is not lost.

Baldur’s Gate 3 gives players two options to get to the Lower City. While one options is straightforward, the other is a bit more difficult. Fortunately, this guide will highlight both ways for players to get to the lower city.

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How to Get to the Lower City

Wyrm's Rock Fortress in Baldur's Gate 3

Players have two ways to get to the Lower City: through Wymrock Fortress or by crossing Rivington. Depending on their playstyle, players can opt for the method that appeals to them the most, i.e., sneaking or going in guns blazing.

Get the Official Entry Pass

To get to the Lower City via the official entry pass, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Open Hand Temple.
  2. Find Valeria, who will be talking to his Sister Yannis.
  3. Talk to Yannis to start the quest Open Hand Temple Murders.
  4. Investigate the crime scene, a crypt underneath the temple.
  5. Search the crypt for two buttons on a wall in the second room. Press the buttons to access a secret passage.
  6. Three shapeshifters will attack the player. Kill them to get the Key with a Flower Motif.
  7. There is a hole nearby with the murder weapon.
  8. Visit Fraygo’s Flophouse and access a secret room using the key from before through the wardrobe on the third floor.
  9. Investigate the secret room and report back to Valeria at Sharess’ Caress.
  10. Valeria will give the player access to the Lower City and provide instructions to talk to Gauntlet Devella.

Sneak Past the Guards

To get to the Lower City by sneaking past the guards, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Wyrm’s Rock Fortress.
  2. Locate and go down the ladder on the right side of the guards.
  3. Use the Feather Fall spell to jump across the broken edge of the fence without taking damage.
  4. Go around the wall to reach a broken wall. Here, players can enter Wyrm’s Rock Prison.
  5. Move a bit further to come across another wall and break it.
  6. Once in prison, the guards will assume the player is a prisoner. Players will need to pass a Deception check to convince the guards that this is not the case. If not, the player must defeat all guards in the area.
  7. Locate Counsellor Florrick and free her to gain a valuable ally for later.
  8. Lockpick the prison entrance door and get access to the Lower City.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on PC, macOS, Xbox Series S/X, and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Baldur's Gate 3 Shows How to Properly Do a Fantasy Video Game City