
  • Experiment with Multiclassing by respeccing one's character and reloading saves to try out different configurations within a single save file.
  • Avoid redundancies when choosing a Multiclass, consider the Proficiencies, spells, and overall features of each Class to make the dabbling worthwhile.
  • Be aware that Multiclassing will cut the capstone features of one's original Class, so carefully consider if sacrificing those features for extra Class features is worth it. Avoid Multiclassing more than 5 levels to maintain the intended playstyle of the original Class.

Multiclassing remains one of the best ways to create unique characters in D&D, with Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay retaining the same mechanic in its adaptation of the acclaimed TTRPG’s rules. In the RPG, Multiclassing lets characters access another Class other than their original in their playthrough, giving players expanded features and options a straight build wouldn’t offer them.

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Being an adaptation of the D&D 5e ruleset, Baldur’s Gate 3 also offers players the option to Multiclass, albeit with some reservations. While Multiclassing can pave the way for some incredible builds, not doing the process correctly can ruin a player’s progress.

10 Don’t Forget To Save

Saving before Multiclass