It's no secret that Baldur's Gate 3 is an absolutely massive game, filled with permutations that promise to make every playthrough unique. It's easy to get bored with a build after a few dozen hours of gameplay – thankfully, respeccing in BG3 is very forgiving and cheap, once players have actually unlocked this mechanic.

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The Baldur's Gate 3 respec NPC is found very early into Act 1 and can be unlocked before players ever reach the Druid Grove. This NPC is able to completely reset a character – or companion – from Level 1, and can even change players' Class as part of the deal. After beating the tutorial area aboard the Nautiloid, the ability to respec is just a catacomb away.

Updated September 16, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: The BG3 reset class mechanic is pretty easy to locate, and is found right at the start of the game. Though players likely won't have a use for the services of the Baldur's Gate 3 reset NPC until later on, it's worth unlocking as early as possible in case you make mistakes while leveling up. Plus, by unlocking the ability to change stats Baldur's Gate 3 players also are able to continue the questlines of some Act 2 characters, including Arabelle, whose stories are tied to the BG3 respec NPC Withers. This guide has been updated to more clearly explain the directions and requirements for the BG3 reset mechanic, to clarify some information that changed with the full release, and to more simply explain how to find the change class NPC in the first place.

Where To Find Withers – The BG3 Change Stats NPC

Baldurs Gate 3 Withers Class Change Respec Dank Crypt Jergal Statue Button-1

Find the Dank Crypt in the Overgrown Ruins' Chapel

In Act 1 players will come across a locked door north of the game's starting point on the beach. Shadowheart will appear here if she was not interacted with on the Nautiloid. This is one of two entrances to the Dank Crypt beneath the Overgrown Ruins, but requires players to both lockpick the door and keenly avoid traps within to reach its innermost Crypts.

It's perfectly possible, especially if players go out of the way to pick up Astarion first, but the more convenient (and less trapped) entrance can be found above. Travel east to the coast from where Lae'zel shows up, just north of Gale's introductory waypoint, to find the top part of the Overgrown Ruins.

Be sure to first gather a full party, then either kill the party of bandits or convince them to leave before heading downward. Progress through the labyrinthian crypts below, and defeat other bandits who didn't get the memo to leave, to find the Dank Crypt. The Dank Crypt is full of "dead" undead around a central alcove, hidden behind a Button that is revealed by a Passive Perception check when walking by. Pressing this button opens up the alcove's entrance, but also triggers the undead to rise around the room, initiating combat with the small group of skeletal mages and warriors.

Defeat Undead, Answer Withers' Question, Then Return to Camp

The encounter with the undead isn't difficult, but it is a fight made much easier by pre-emptively placing companions around the room to gain the advantage on the freshly-risen undead. Separate the party, then place each party member in different spots around the room. Having everyone spread out is a good way to keep enemies from focusing their fire on a single ally, and prevents AoE attacks from being too devastating, too.

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Once all party members are in position, preferably close to a skeleton that will come back to life, press the hidden Button and complete the combat encounter. The button opens a smaller alcove within the Dank Crypt, containing a chest and what appears to be a sealed sarcophagus. Interact with the sarcophagus to find Withers, the BG3 respec character NPC, who rises out of the coffin and speaks to the player.

Withers will ask the player what the worth of a life is. Respond to this question (any answer will do), then complete the dialogue. Withers will walk away to tend to the Dank Crypt, but he will appear at camp the next time you go for a Long Rest. For the rest of Baldur's Gate 3 Withers will remain here, ready to offer his services.

How To Reset BG3 Class & Stats