
  • Baldur's Gate 3 allows players to make meaningful choices that reflect their morality, but some choices are nonsensical and random.
  • Making certain stupid choices, like letting Gale explode or killing Karlach, can lead to negative consequences and even end the game.
  • Some decisions, like seeking out Withers or being cruel to animals, may seem important but ultimately have no impact on the story or gameplay.

Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to stay true to themselves and their morality through the choices they make, there are some choices that simply make no sense. Whether these choices make no sense from a narrative perspective, or simply from one of randomness that will have players raise a brow and wonder why on Earth they just did what they did, there are many choices to make, and many to question.

Baldur's Gate 3: 23 Best Spells

Baldur's Gate 3 has several different classes for players to choose from, with most being magic-based, meaning spells are very important.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is deserving of all its fanfare, even with the weirdness that lies within some decisions that players can make. Whilst players can make some decisions that alter the fates of themselves and their friends, some decisions can just be plain stupid, and clearly make no sense, whether intentional or otherwise.

6 Make Gale Explode

Instantly End The Game

Gale Baldurs Gate 3 magic

One choice that is simply stupid is to let Gale explode. Gale has a lengthy story behind him, and players should do well to listen to him and grow a relationship with him as a friend or even lover. If players neglect or kill Gale, they are risking the end of all things, as Gale is a literal ticking time bomb that can explode and cause a game-ending scene, every single time.

Gale should remain alive, for if Gale dies, then the game will end, his explosion is far too powerful to contain, and there is no way of stopping it. Gale’s importance cannot be understated, and if players do kill him, then a projection will stand by his body and let players know that reviving him is in everyone’s interest. Leaving him to rot just makes no sense at all.

5 Helping Wyll Kill Karlach

Lose A Valued Companion