One of the primary quests of Baldur's Gate 3 Act One is "Find a Cure." The protagonist and the first set of party members all have a mind flayer tadpole in their brains, and they'd much rather get them out.

The situation is desperate, and so players will end up searching high and low (literally) to find someone or something that can rid them of this parasite without killing them and without turning them all into mind flayers. This guide will explain which Act One quests in Baldur's Gate 3 can be part of the "Find a Cure" search and what benefits players can expect from each one.

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Get Help from Healer Nettie

wyvern toxin baldur's gate 3 nettie

The druid enclave, the Emerald Grove, is just past the beach where the protagonist and several starting party members wash up. Speak to the inhabitants to learn that the head druid, Halsin, is missing, but the specialist Healer Nettie might be able to help. Nettie is inside the cave near where the ritual is taking place, and she's several rooms back from the confrontation with Arabella.

Nettie will bring out a thorny branch and question the party. Players should answer her questions truthfully because it turns out she's ready to kill the party with poison if they show signs of turning. She has no cure to give, but she'll give the active speaker a vial of poison and ask them to take it before it's too late. Players can swear to use it or not, but they can use the poison on a weapon because the moment to drink it will never come up.

Get Help from Auntie Ethel

Auntie Ethel speaking to the protagonist in Baldur's Gate 3