Risen Road is a notable subregion in the first explorable area of Baldur's Gate 3. Many parties that have just started their journey will likely stumble upon this place as they wander around the vicinity of the Emerald Grove, only to find themselves overpowered by strong monsters.

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Though not completely safe for a crew of fresh-faced adventurers, Risen Road has a number of important quests and encounters that can help set players up for success throughout the rest of Baldur's Gate 3. Here's a guide covering the possible entry points to this location as well as the most interesting activities players should be doing once they get there.

Updated September 27th, 2023: Players who want to see and do every possible quest in Baldur's Gate 3 will need to make their way to the Risen Road. This area is home to an array of important side quests and also includes some hidden areas that can lead all the way to the Underdark itself. Unfortunately, finding the Risen Road can be a bit confusing for players who don't know where to look. The following guide has been updated with a video to help players find the Risen Road in Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3: Risen Road Map

Risen Road map in Baldur's Gate 3

Risen Road is far to the north of the Ravaged Beach, past the Emerald Grove and the goblin-occupied Blighted Village. The easiest way to reach this area is to go behind the village and jump to the other side of the broken bridge. Players don't need to kill the goblin ambushers in the Blighted Village, but they may want to get rid of the sleeping bugbear near the blacksmith's house and maybe open up the barn to see what all that infernal pounding is all about.

Aside from the village, players can also get to Risen Road by jumping over the rocks in the stream below the bridge. They lead to the exact same area, though one of the paths leads straight to an unskippable interaction with Bloated Hyenas that can get ugly very quickly. Should players decide to interact with the hyenas, try to kill all of them immediately. Otherwise, newborn gnolls will burst from their bellies and initiate combat.

Up the hill from here is an entire pack of mature gnolls that can potentially wipe any party that's below Level 4. Defeating them yields a bunch of loot and some much-needed XP.

Paladin Anders in Baldur's Gate 3

From here, players can either follow the carnage to a trading outpost-turned-massacre site or to a cave where two caravaneers are trying to hold back a horde of gnolls. Going down the former route leads to Paladin Anders and his hunt for the devil Karlach, while the latter leads to a side quest that's all about delivering a missing shipment.

To the west of Risen Road is Waukeen's Rest, an inn that recently got raided by drow and goblins. Here, players can save the people in the burning building for some nice rewards. They can also head to the wine cellar behind the main building to find the entrance to the Zhentarim Hideout, a forward operating base run by a shady black market group.

Further west of the road is the entrance to the Mountain Pass, but players should ignore this until they're done with everything else that needs to be done at this stage of the game.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC, with a PS5 version coming soon.