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The Selunite Outpost is one of the many points of interest in the Underdark. Baldur's Gate 3 players who are coming in from the upper northern tunnels are likely to see this small fort in the distance, assuming they don't accidentally find themselves inside it in the first place.
Anyone trying to enter or exit the outpost has one major problem that they need to deal with: the portcullis is locked, and it's defended by twin, magic-slinging statues that can put a Minotaur in the dirt within seconds. Getting blasted by defensive structures isn't the most ideal way to end the Baldur's Gate 3 experience, so here's a guide on how to get in (or out) of this place.

Baldur's Gate 3: Where To Find The Kuo-Toa (The Festering Cove)
There is a whole race called the Kuo-Toa that can go completely undiscovered in Baldur's Gate 3 unless players find a secret entrance.
Updated on November 20, 2024, by Marc Santos: Getting out of the Selunite outpost can be confusing at first, but eagle-eyed adventurers should be able to spot a way out after a short while. There are a couple of methods you can follow to reach the other side while keeping your Baldur’s Gate 3 characters safe, and if you don't want to miss out on potentially great loot from Spectator outside the outpost, we've updated this guide to include a section that's all about beating the big, floating meatball as quickly and as easily as possible.
Baldur's Gate 3: How To Get Past The Selunite Outpost Statues
The statues will attack anything and everything that comes within their line of sight. Players can't just destroy these stone guardians, but they can get past them via two different ways: stealth and sabotage.
Ironically, crouch-walking in the statues' field of view won't trigger their defense mechanisms. Players can use Hide to enter stealth mode and simply walk in or out of the outpost without dying. Keep in mind that the portcullis' lock has a high Difficulty Class, so make sure to bring someone with Sleight of Hand proficiency (or just plenty of Inspiration and lockpicks).
If you return the locked chest from the cave in Risen Road to the Zhentarim, you'll be able to buy the Gloves of Thievery from their merchant. Wearing these will give you advantage on Sleight of Hand rolls.
Crouching past these statues can be a bit slow, though. Players who are doing a lot of back-and-forth exploration around this part of the Underdark may want to just shut these defenses down completely. To do this, head inside the Selunite Outpost and go to the upper floors. Face the statue in the middle to see a glowing crystal. Shoot it down with an arrow or some magic to break it. Doing so will drain the power from the statues outside, giving everyone free rein to move around.