Players who successfully find and free Grand Duke Ravengard during Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 will learn from him that an ancient dragon sleeps beneath the city, ready to protect it during a moment of dire need. To reach it, the party must light two torches in the Wyrm's Rock Prison area using Lightning damage, then pass through a hidden door.

However, the puzzles are far from over. The party must pass four trials seemingly set by Balduran himself, designed to test the party's virtues. If players fail even one puzzle, the way forward will open, but a group of enemies will appear in each test chamber and the central plaza. Completing the trials is easier, but they include some of the trickiest puzzles in Baldur's Gate 3. Here's how to solve them.

Updated November 13th, 2023: Players who find the hidden passage within the Wyrm's Rock Prison will likely be surprised to find a series of puzzles waiting for them crafted by Baldurian. Not only do these Wyrmway puzzles pop up in a pretty strange place but they can be a bit difficult to solve for those unprepared. Thankfully, the solutions aren't too difficult for players who know what to do and where to look. To better help players in solving the puzzles in the Wyrmway, the following guide has been updated and now includes a companion video.

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The Chamber of Justice

Baldurs Gate 3 Wyrmway Justice

In the Chamber of Justice, players must decide the fate of a thief based on his actions and motives. To learn the thief's story, examine the painting to the left of the entrance and go clockwise. Unfortunately, the last three paintings in the center are Shrouded by a being called the Judge.

The Judge represents corrupted justice, so players must get rid of it. It's immune to every kind of damage, but it has the condition Shroud of Dark Justice, which counts as a curse. As such, players can banish the Judge by casting Remove Curse on it. Every Cleric has access to this spell, and any character can cast Remove Curse from a scroll.

The final step is to choose a fair punishment from the three paintings in the middle. In this case, fairness is the painting called "The Cell." Pick up the painting, then place it on the Empty Niche across from the three paintings. This will complete the challenge.

The Chamber of Insight

Baldurs Gate 3 Insight

In the Chamber of Insight, players will see three red shades. The party must learn what each shade's plans are for the future, and destroy the one with the most harmful views. What makes this room a challenge is that the books each shade wrote are flying around and don't want to be read.

The best way to handle this without harming the books is to enter turn-based mode and send a party member to throw each book. This won't appear to do anything, but as soon as the round ends, the book will flop to the ground and become readable.

From reading each book, players will discover that Suelto is advocating genocide. This is the most harmful viewpoint, so destroy the Suelto shade with any spell or weapon. As long as the other two shades don't get caught in the blast, the party will pass this challenge.

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The Chamber of Strategy