By speaking with Rolan in the Druid Camp in Act 1, Baldur's Gate 3 players learn that a powerful wizard named Lorroakan is looking for something called The Nightsong. By the end of Act 2, players understand what – or who – the Nightsong is. Finally, by Act 3, players can find Lorroakan himself – and learn of his intentions with the Nightsong.
Dame Aylin, The Nightsong, is an immortal being whose power was sapped by Ketheric Thorm before being released by the player. Lorroakan's plan is to trap Aylin once more, to leech her powers, and to make himself immortal. Depending on who players decide to ally with, two distinct endings to the Nightsong questline in Baldur's Gate 3 will unlock.
What Happens If You Choose The Nightsong?
The Nightsong's imprisonment for more than 100 years in the Shadowfell, where she was trapped to empower Ketheric Thorm's invincibility and serve as the final trial for Shar's Dark Justiciars, fuelled a thirst for vengeance against those who seek to subjugate her once more. So, naturally, Lorroakan's plan to do the same thing again to her isn't something she takes kindly to.
If players choose to side with the Nightsong in the encounter with Lorroakan, a boss battle with this legendary mage will begin – alongside a handful of his elemental summon allies. After defeating Lorroakan, a cutscene will play out, in which the Nightsong exacts her vengeance upon a barely-alive Lorroakan. After this, depending on one's choices, Rolan will take over the tower and pledge to remain at the players' side in the oncoming battle. Players also get access to the tower's Vaults, which contain a number of extremely powerful items – and a Magic Lamp.
What Happens If You Choose Lorroakan?
If players decide to kill Nightsong and side with Lorroakan, going along with his plan to do what Ketheric Thorm ultimately couldn't, a few different things happen. For one, Rolan's quest doesn't conclude in a satisfying way. For another, Nightsong of course will no longer show up at Camp. Unlike when Rolan takes over the tower, players do not get access to the tower's vaults if they side with Lorroakan against the Nightsong.
However, Lorroakan and his elementals will also pledge to be by the player's side during the final conflict for the "Gather Your Allies" questline. Though this path has fewer rewards, it doesn't necessarily hinder players' ability to finish the game, and can match well with a Dark Urge playthrough or an evil-aligned Magic-user.
Baldur's Gate 3 is available on PC and will release on PlayStation 5 on September 6, 2023. A version for Xbox Series X|S is currently in development.