Baldur's Gate 3 is one of those RPGs where players can build romantic relationships with their companions. In order to get any one of the several choices to warm up to Tav, players just need to try to tailor their play style to what that character would approve of.

Once the player's approval is high enough, the character will trigger a proposition scene. Some characters are easier to unlock romances with than others; one of the easier people to connect with is the vampire elf named Astarion. This roguish Rogue might initially seem abrasive, but it's pretty easy for players to get under his pale skin.

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Updated on April 15, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: Astarion is first encountered next to the destroyed ship of the mind-flayer who kidnapped players in Baldur's Gate 3. From that moment, you need to pick specific choices in order to gain the Pale Elf's trust and love. Tav must basically choose all the options that help remove the Tadpole and try to stay away from the ones that are considered charity, like helping those in need or doing something for free. Eventually, Astarion will open up to players and start revealing bits and pieces about his past, which means you earned his trust.

Astarion In Baldur's Gate 3


Astarion is one of the characters players meet very early in Act 1. He is along the route out of the mind-flayer ship called the Nautiloid. After picking him up, players can let him feed on them, which almost immediately brings up his approval.

If they choose to pursue this romance, players should choose things Astarion will approve of, usually things that extend the player's power while viscously and ruthlessly murdering anything that gets in the way.

Astarion's Approval In Baldur's Gate 3