
  • Master of Magic: a faithful remake with updated graphics, offers classic gameplay similar to Civilization but with added fantasy elements.
  • Many games like Stellaris and Age of Wonders 4 are improved by numerous DLCs and expansions for added content.
  • Space is a common setting, with great 4X games like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Sins of a Solar Empire being sci-fi classics.

Finding its origins in turn-based board games and text-based computer games, the 4X subgenre of strategy games is one of the strongest in all gaming, boasting multiple best-selling franchises. Multiple influential titles like Spaceward Ho! and the early Civilization games have really helped to shape the genre into its current form.

10 Best Grand Strategy Games Featuring The Roman Empire

Grand strategy and The Roman Empire are a perfect pairing.

The four main components of any 4X game are exploration, expansion, exploitation and extermination, which is where the name comes from. While the majority are still turn-based, some titles have incorporated real-time elements into the gameplay too. Here are some of the best 4X strategy games ever made, ranked based on a combination of their overall quality and popularity.

10 Master of Magic

Remake Of A Classic

  • Platform: PC
  • Released: 2022-12-13
  • Developer: MuHa Games
  • Genre: 4X, turn-based strategy

Despite the mixed reception at launch, Master of Magic, the 2022 remake of the 1990s classic, is one of the finest 4X games on the market. Gameplay is often compared to Civilization, since players are tasked with settling cities and aggressively expanding their chosen wizard’s kingdom, coming into conflict with AI-controlled wizards along the way.

Everything on offer is largely faithful to the original, but with updated graphics, a new race in the form of the goblins, and new wizards to control. Anybody wishing to dominate the dimensional planes of Arcanus and Myrror has plenty of spells to utilize and fantasy races to choose from. This is the optimal way to experience this influential classic.

9 Stellaris

Strategy In Space

Stellaris Tag Page Cover Art

Grand Strategy
Top Critic Rating: 81/100 Critics Recommend: 77%
May 9, 2016
E10+ For Everyone 10+ due to Violent References, Mild Language
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
OpenCritic Rating

Playing as a species capable of faster than light travel, Stellaris gives players the chance to colonize a galaxy, competing or collaborating with alien races through various crises to achieve space domination. Emphasis is placed on a strong economy, diplomatic relations and warfare, but there are mysteries to uncover, and each crisis must be handled if one hopes to achieve victory.

The base game is generally well-regarded, but the myriad DLCs added post-release really put Stellaris among the best 4X games, including countless new races, situations and technologies. Opting for real-time strategy instead of turn-based really means that mistakes must be avoided, and events in the end game can really jeopardize a solid run for those who are unprepared.

8 Endless Legend

Blending Science Fiction With Fantasy

Endless Legend Tag Page Cover Art

Top Critic Rating: 84/100 Critics Recommend: 86%
September 18, 2014
Microsoft Windows, macOS, Xbox One
Amplitude Studios
OpenCritic Rating

Containing RTS and RPG elements and building on the excellent Endless Space, Endless Legend blends sci-fi with fantasy in its rich narrative. Set on the world of Auriga, a planet plagued by mysterious apocalyptic events, players must settle cities, thus claiming entire regions on the map.

Best 4X Strategy Games For PvP

These 4X strategy games have some of the best PVP modes where players can test their wits and mettle against others.

Each faction has its own slightly game-breaking strength, which somehow balances proceedings, and gameplay is largely accessible despite its complex appearance. The only real gripe that many players have is that the AI can at times be inconsistent with intelligent decision-making, but this is otherwise an engaging and immersive experience that is unique in every playthrough thanks to the randomized maps.

7 Distant Worlds: Universe

Expansive Galactic Map

Distant Worlds: Universe Tag Page Cover Art

Top Critic Rating: 85/100
May 23, 2014
Code Force
OpenCritic Rating

Very few games can boast a map as expansive as that of Distant World: Universe, the definitive release of the full game with all expansions. Boasting 1400 star systems and over 50,000 planetary bodies, it’s a vast galaxy for players to immerse themselves in, as they compete to shape it as they see fit.

The level of complexity and steep learning curve may be off-putting for some, but most of the micromanagement aspects can be automated, so players can focus on their favorite parts of the game. Gameplay is pausable in real-time and players constantly encounter new things, whether it’s an astronomical landmark, a space pirate or a rival empire.

6 Age of Wonders 4

The Best In The Series

Age Of Wonders 4 Tag Page Cover Art

Turn-Based Strategy
Top Critic Rating: 82/100 Critics Recommend: 93%
May 2, 2023
Triumph Studios
OpenCritic Rating

The core gameplay found in previous entries is still present in Age of Wonders 4, plus a host of improvements, additions and more customization. Featuring classic turn-based combat, a plethora of narrative events and a high fantasy setting, this game is deeply immersive and regarded by many as the best in the highly acclaimed Age of Wonders series.

Players are able to create and deeply customize their own playable factions, choosing their race or species, magical powers and traits as a society, and optional DLC even adds tons of additional options. These creations don’t disappear at the end of a game, and can even appear in subsequent playthroughs, either as a friend or foe, adding to immersion and player creativity options.

5 Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares

Conquering The Galaxy In A 1990s Classic

Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares

November 22, 1996

The measuring stick for 4X games set in space, Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares is an absolute classic and highly influential title in the genre. Building on its predecessor and incorporating mechanics from Simtex’s other popular release, Master of Magic, players are able to create their own race as they colonize multi-planet star systems.

7 Hardest 4X Strategy Games

Notoriously hard and not exactly beginner-friendly, these 4X strategy games are perfect for players looking to challenge themselves.

Due to population growth, food is an important resource to manage, and combat has many new features, such as marines infiltrating enemy ships. Victory can be achieved by either defeating all enemies in warfare, successfully invading the titular Antaran homeworld or by being elected as the supreme leader of the galaxy.

4 Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri

Civilization In Space

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Tag Page Cover Art
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

February 9, 1999
Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux
Firaxis Games

A spin-off of Sid Meier’s legendary Civilization series, Alpha Centauri takes place on a distant planet in the eponymous star system, as seven ideological factions of humans have landed there. Taking place in the 22nd century, this is presented as the outcome of the space race victory condition in the Civilization series and features a rich narrative involving alien experiments and planetary sentience.

The expansion pack Alien Crossfire doubles the number of playable factions, even adding alien groups, each with their own ideologies about how the planet should progress. Gameplay is everything that one would expect of a Sid Meier game, achieving victory through equivalent means to Civilization, such as military conquest, economic domination and diplomacy.

3 Sins of a Solar Empire

Combining The Best Of RTS And 4X

Sins of a Solar Empire Tag Page Cover Art
Sins of a Solar Empire

Real-Time Strategy
February 4, 2008

Described as an “RT4X” by its creators, Sins of a Solar Empire mixes real-time strategy with 4X in a deep space setting. Controlling one of three races, the goal is to conquer the galaxy through warfare, economic power or diplomacy, either playing against AI opponents or real humans via online play.

The ambitious map is fully 3D, scaling from entire galaxies all the way down to asteroids and other smaller astronomical objects. Managing resources is vital, and the market can even fluctuate depending on transactions carried out by each competing empire. Various DLCs and expansions have greatly increased gameplay variety, adding new interstellar threats like black holes, new playable factions and other features like pirates and the black market.

2 Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords

Intuitive Artificial Intelligence

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords Tag Page Cover Art
Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords

February 27, 2006

Set in the 23rd century, as humanity and alien lifeforms hurriedly try to take over every planet in the galaxy, Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords opts for a singleplayer experience. Gameplay is generally balanced despite each of the ten preset civilizations having individual advantages, and the AI is noteworthy for being intelligent and making sophisticated choices.

8 4X Strategy Games That Are Good For Beginners

4X games are known for being pretty complex games, but thankfully there are some options for beginners who want to start the genre

There is a story-driven campaign about the titular Dread Lords, but otherwise players are free to create their own narrative, even altering settings in the pre-game setup to tailor the game as they wish. Expansions give even more options, with Twilight of the Arnor even boasting that a new vast map size could allow for a game that takes millennia to finish.

1 Sid Meier’s Civilization IV

Arguably The Best Civ Game

Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Tag Page Cover Art
Sid Meier's Civilization 4

October 25, 2005
Firaxis Games

Any of the Civilization games could arguably take this place and everybody has their own favorite, but Civilization 4 seems to be the preferred choice for the majority of fans. Often cited as one of the best video games ever made, Civ 4 stands out from the pack with its tight gameplay in both singleplayer and multiplayer, as well as the intelligence of AI leaders.

While the graphics may be better in more recent releases, they are still timeless here, and the revamped systems for culture, religion, diplomacy, combat and more set the standard going forward. The square grid system divides fans, with some preferring hexagons, but ultimately it’s widely regarded as the purest and true Civilization experience.

Best 4X Strategy Games For Co-Op

Players can team up with their friends and build strategies together in these 4X strategy games that feature robust co-op modes.