The concept of the "Chosen One" has been around since the inception of video games. Though many iconic characters begin their journey unaware of their purpose in life, their destiny is usually revealed to them at some point after progressing through a game's story.

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A chosen one's typical role sees them placed under great pressure. They are often presented as the only character capable of defeating a great evil, while other instances see them chosen for a somewhat more mundane task. Either way, the chosen one title is only given to extremely powerful individuals, rendering the title highly sought after.

7 Aloy - Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Forbidden West Developer Teases 3rd Game in Series

Horizon Zero Dawn initially tries to trick the player into believing the game is set in a medieval world, but this could not be further from the case. Set approximately 1,000 years after the near extinction of humanity, the world's current inhabitants are a primitive type with little knowledge of their past. Shortly into the narrative, Aloy is revealed to hold the key to uncovering why the world became what it did. Believed by the Nora tribe to have been birthed by All-Mother Mountain, Aloy is instantly regarded as a miracle and is shunned for it.

Eventually given the title of "Seeker," Aloy is permitted to explore vast reaches of the world to uncover the answers she needs. She learns that she was created by Elisabet Sobeck, a scientist from a prehistoric age who, to ensure the planet's survival, scheduled a clone of herself to be constructed 1,000 years after her demise. Having successfully eradicated the Faro Plague once before, Sobeck recreates herself in the form of Aloy, rendering her the only person capable of stopping the plague once again.

6 Commander Shepard - Mass Effect 2


Some would argue that Commander Shapard is little more than a skilled mercenary, but her reincarnation in Mass Effect 2 serves to highlight exactly how important she is. Upon meeting her end during the game's opening, Cerberus decides to resurrect her as they believe her to be the only one capable of defeating the Reapers.

Shepard's determination, as well as her impressive combat abilities, present her as one of the most deserving chosen ones in gaming history. Not only does she intend to defend her home planet, but she also makes it her goal to protect the entire galaxy from the threats it faces. She is a true inspiration capable of rallying the most unlikely comrades to her side for the good of both humankind and all otherworldly races.

5 Hugo De Rune - A Plague Tale: Innocence


Set during the Hundred Years' War, A Plague Tale: Innocence documents the harrowing tale of Amicia de Rune and her sickly brother, Hugo. Having once been blessed with a life of royalty, Amicia is forced to abandon her home upon its invasion to ensure the safety of her younger sibling. Ruthlessly pursued by the French Inquisition, Amicia and Hugo must navigate a plagued world while avoiding capture.

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Hugo's sickness is later revealed to be a symptom of the Prima Macula, a curse that permits him the ability to command the diseased rats that plague France. Though he only discovers these powers in the late game, his power to control this walking disease is unrivaled by all others who attempt it. The awakening of this power in Hugo's blood renders him the game's only character capable of wielding and possibly ending, the plague.

4 Eddie Riggs - Brutal Legend

Brutal Legend

While attempting to save a Kabbage Boy band member from being crushed, Eddie Riggs ends up taking the full impact from a falling piece of stage equipment in their stead. Blood protrudes from his open wound and drips down onto his belt, revealing the buckle to be an amulet that possesses magical properties. This unlikely occurrence leads to the summoning of Ormag?den, a demon-like entity who transports Eddie to a frightening hellscape.

Eddie happens upon the character of Ophelia while navigating this frightening world. Together they investigate an unusual scripture that only Eddie can read. Once translated, these etchings tell the tale of a "Chosen One," but their purpose is unclear. Believing himself to fit the chosen one's description, Eddie discovers that he is destined to either vanquish the evil forces plaguing the world or plunge it further into a dark abyss.

3 Tidus - Final Fantasy 10

final fantasy 10 tidus laugh

On the surface, this star blitzball player seems like nothing more than a cocky athlete with a big mouth, but certain revelations expose him to be much more. Having been transported from his home by a monstrous being known as Sin, Tidus learns from Rikku that his hometown was actually destroyed 1,000 years ago. Believing he was sent to the future, Tidus spends the majority of the game searching for a way home.

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As he journeys through the expansive lands of Spira, he slowly begins to learn of his true purpose. Auron informs him that Jecht, Tidus' father, became Sin after their time together. He goes on to say that Jecht, now clad in Sin's terrifying armor, chose to bring his son to Spira in the hope that he could put an end to Yu Yevon's reign once and for all. Tidus' presence renders Sin a more docile foe because of his relationship with it, meaning that only he is capable of banishing it from the world.

2 The Dragonborn - Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

A close up image of the Dragonborn from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Skyrim's introduction depicts the Dragonborn as a relatively ordinary character, but this is far from the case. Civilians begin to think that life as they know it is about to end as countless dragons have begun to rise from the grave. Upon defeating his first fire-breathing foe, the Dragonborn learns that he can absorb their souls, an ability reserved only for those who possess the power of a Dovahkiin.

The Dragonborn journeys to the Sky Haven Temple in search of answers. While there, he uncovers a prophecy foretelling the purpose of the Last Dragonborn. It states that he is destined to restore peace to the lands by defeating the ancient dragon known as Alduin, long thought to be a deceased creature who is hellbent on ruling the world.

1 Sora - Kingdom Hearts

Sora from Kingdom Hearts

Many believe that Sora obtained the power to use the keyblade due to the strength of his heart and, though this is partly true, it is not the primary reason. Riku was always destined to receive the keyblade, but he revoked all right to the oversized blade after he allowed darkness into his heart. With Riku gone, the keyblade has no choice but to align with Sora.

Toward the end of the game, Riku reclaims what was once rightfully his. He takes the blade from Sora, leaving him weaponless for a brief portion of the story. During their next encounter, Sora explains that he doesn't need the keyblade as his core strength comes from friends. Having witnessed the unrivaled strength of Sora's heart, the keyblade returns to him once more, officially dubbing him the keyblade's chosen one.

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