One determining factor for a potential BioShock remake lies with the series' upcoming and currently untitled BioShock 4, as whether the first game should be remade depends on whether the next one starts fresh or continues the original trilogy's story. First released in 2007, BioShock has unquestionably become regarded as a classic within the gaming community thanks partly to its unique setting, characters, themes, and most especially its infamous plot twists. With an expanded overarching storyline culminating in its last game, BioShock: Infinite, it seemed that the BioShock series was over despite its popularity.

However, BioShock fans were finally given hope when it was announced that Cloud Chamber would be developing the series' fourth game, leading to speculation and rumors about what new directions the series could take following the original trilogy. But alongside anticipation for BioShock 4, hopes for a remake of the original BioShock have also been raised, especially since a remastered collection of the trilogy came out all the way back in 2016. However, while it might seem high time for BioShock to join other classic remakes, the final incentive for this could be determined by the approach BioShock 4 takes with its story.

BioShock 4 Could Borrow One Trick From Other Franchise Revivals, But It Probably Shouldn't

Cloud Chamber's BioShock 4 can stand out in many ways, but there are pros and cons to adopting one trick from other popular franchises.

Deciding Whether BioShock 4 Should Be a Continuation or a Soft Reboot

Though it may have been possible for the BioShock series to become a long-lived franchise given its player base, by the end of BioShock: Infinite and its DLC, Burial At Sea, it seemed that the three games' overarching narrative had been concluded as a trilogy. With many loose threads connected between BioShock's Rapture and the fates of Booker and Elizabeth from BioShock: Infinite, it didn't seem that there would be room for the series to continue. But now that a fourth game has been confirmed, this question hangs over whether BioShock 4 will follow the original trilogy's lore or soft reboot the series.

While it might benefit BioShock 4's new developer, Cloud Chamber, to take the opportunity to start over and add its own identity to the series, this might not be possible to do without frustrating fans of the old BioShock games. As a result, though the original trilogy may have finalized its story as a foundation for the games' border universe, longtime players will likely be expecting BioShock 4 to remain true to the series' legacy. For example, rumors about BioShock 4's setting might remove it from Rapture or Columbia, but it could continue the series' use of Plasmids or Vigors. Whether that is enough of a connection for fans, though, remains to be seen, and limited connective tissue in the form of shared mechanics hardly makes remakes of the older games a must.

BioShock 4 Could Determine Whether BioShock Gets Remade

Essentially, should BioShock 4 have ties to the original trilogy's story, then it means a BioShock remake is sorely needed. While the BioShock series is well-known among the gaming community, the games' age and accessibility for newer players could become an issue, especially if those playing the newest title are met with references to the trilogy's storyline and become eager to experience those games themselves. Though all three remastered games were generally well-received when made available to players, BioShock: The Collection has been criticized for technical issues and a lack of updates for the trilogy's later games. It's also just a remaster, whereas a proper remake could provide major gameplay and graphics overhauls to put it on par with BioShock 4 and its likely innovations.

At the same time, if BioShock 4 were to reboot the series and diverge from the original trilogy with its narrative, a remake like this may not be as much of a necessity, as fans could enjoy the newest title on its own. For those hoping for a remake of the first BioShock, and potentially its two sequels, BioShock 4's narrative avoiding the reboot route would be a best case scenario.
