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  • Shiemi was timid and lacked confidence in Season 1 but broke free from her roots with the help of friends.
  • Despite setbacks, Shiemi made progress at the Cram School and became a reliable ally by Season 3.
  • With the support of the Okumura twins, Shiemi gained self-confidence, made friends, and unleashed her true potential.

Moriyama Shiemi has come a long way from the shy and nervous girl she once was at the start of the series. Shiemi has always had the makings of a powerful woman; however, her lack of confidence in herself was the chain that bound her abilities.

However, after meeting the Okumura twins and her other friends at the Cram School, Shiemi had changed considerably, as she no longer doubted herself. But how much has Shiemi changed since Season 1 of Blue Exorcist?

Blue Exorcist: How Much Has Rin Changed Since Season 1?

Starting as an impulsive rebel, Rin's journey through Blue Exorcist has matured him into a more controlled and reliable protector.

What Was Shiemi Like in Season 1?

With the Help of the Okumura Twins, Shiemi Was Able to Break Free From the Roots That Bound Her Physically

blue exorcist shiemi start of season 1

Moriyama Shiemi was a timid and somewhat skittish young girl at the start of Blue Exorcist season 1. When first introduced to Shiemi in Chapter 3, she was a quiet girl who tended to the garden of the Exorcist Shop and was weary of Demons. However, although Shiemi shied away from Demons in fear, she was also shown immense intelligence and quickly overcame her initial fear.

For most of her life, Shiemi has spent most of her time at the Exorcist Shop and tending to the garden alongside her grandmother, whom she adored. However, due to this, Shiemi was often confined to her home and unable to make friends. Without the ability to develop social skills at a young age, Shiemi failed to make friends, thus oblivious to interpersonal relationships' undertones.

Blue Exorcist: How Much Has Ryuji Changed Since Season 1?

Once driven by pride, Ryuji now values teamwork and friendship, showing significant change since Season 1 of Blue Exorcist.

Shiemi was also sick at the beginning of season 1. Since Shiemi was young, her body hasn’t been up to the task of attending school; in addition, Shiemi was affected by a Mashou and developing roots on her legs that prevented her from walking. Due to being unable to leave her home, it's likely Shiemi often sought out friendships with those like-minded to her. Unfortunately, Shiemi’s wavering heart brought a Demon into the Exorcist Shop garden, and because Shiemi had been communicating with it, the Demon had been leeching from her heart.

This indicates Shiemi’s loneliness after her grandmother's passing and her lack of friendships outside of her mother. In later chapters, Shiemi also confesses that if she hadn't met Yukio and Rin, she would still be afraid of everyone and afraid to go outside. However, after being saved by Rin, Shiemi took the first step toward gaining self-confidence.

Blue Exorcist: 8 Strongest Demons, Ranked

These demons have the power to shake the core of society leaving them almost unstoppable.

The roots that bound Shiemi to the Exorcist Shop could also be seen from a figurative sense. Shiemi’s own doubts led her heart to waver, allowing a Demon in, rooting her to the garden. However, after having the roots removed, Shiemi was able to free herself from these doubts, as she was no longer shackled to the person she used to be. So, with the twins' help, Shiemi was no longer bound to her past, physically and mentally.

Unbeknownst to Shiemi, she always had confidence in herself. However, due to her lack of socialization and friendships, Shiemi always thought little of herself and was thus unable to take the first step. However, the Okumura twins were able to break her out of her shell.

Although Shiemi lacked confidence, she was always aware of her weaknesses and abilities. Thanks to the Okumura twins, Shiemi could attend the Cram School as an Exwire, slowly learning more about the world around her and her latent abilities. Although she lacks confidence, Shiemi is able to push herself and make the changes needed to rejoin society.

Shiemi’s Progression Throughout the Series

Shiemi Has the Makings of a Strong, Independent Woman; However, She First Needs to Gain Confidence in Herself

blue exorcist shiemi confidence grown

Shiemi has made impressive changes throughout the series. Although Shiemi thinks she lacks confidence and, in Chapter 4, believes she doesn’t belong at the Cram School, Shiemi is already making the appropriate moves to increase her confidence. Although Shiemi had been making the appropriate movies, unfortunately, she got off to a rocky start by asking Kamiki Izumo to be her friend, as Izumo had her own internal Demons she had been fighting.

While Shiemi had many setbacks, she never gave up on anyone becoming her friend and bettering herself. Another unfortunate setback for Shiemi was her inability to tell whether someone was sarcastic and thus made fun of her. While Shiemi may be a bit of an airhead, she always had good intentions when it came to helping out her friends.

Blue Exorcist: What to Expect from Season 3

Season 3 of Blue Exorcist has yet to be announced, but fans are eager to see more. Here's what viewers can expect from a potential third season.

Shiemi’s progress as an Exwire at the Cram School and personality will change drastically as the series reaches Season 3 in Blue Exorcist. Shiemi’s changed personality will shine the most during the Shimane Illuminati arc. Although it hadn’t been that long since Shiemi joined the Cram School, Shiemi’s confidence in herself and her abilities soon turned her into a reliable ally.

Although Shiemi hadn’t achieved self-confidence, her ability to push through tough times and never turn back on her friends had been admirable. Unbeknownst to Shiemi, her hard work and willingness to help her friends have made her well-liked by the Cram School students. However, she still thinks little of herself. Her unwillingness to give up on her friends allowed her to break down the wall Izumo constructed after separating