- Chopper Gunner glitch in Black Ops 6 switches players back to their character during takedowns.
- The glitch disrupts precious seconds of using the difficult-to-earn Chopper Gunner scorestreak.
- Treyarch has been receptive to feedback and continues to release patches fixing issues like these.
A Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 player online has discovered that the Chopper Gunner scorestreak has a big issue that only appears in very specific circumstances. The Chopper Gunner is one of the most popular scorestreaks in Black Ops 6, but having this bug occur would be incredibly frustrating.
For the most part, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 was released to a positive reception. However, as players have had more time with the game, more issues have been uncovered, and fans have not been shy about sharing these problems with Treyarch. For example, at the start of the year, Black Ops 6 players noticed that one Weapon Blueprint had major visibility problems, pointing out the issue to the developer. The good news is that since launch, Treyarch has been really receptive to this type of feedback, releasing frequent patches with tons of small fixes for issues like this.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Players Fear Treyarch Has Forgotten About a Popular Mode
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players fear that developer Treyarch Studios has forgotten about a popular game mode after it is absent for six weeks.
Redditor jespertherapper shared a strange video after using Black Ops 6's Chopper Gunner. While using the scorestreak, they were the victim of a takedown from another player. However, this doesn't happen off-screen. Instead, they're cut away from the Chopper Gunner for a moment and are forced to watch the takedown happen. This wastes precious seconds of the difficult-to-earn scorestreak, where they're completely unable to see their enemies. Interestingly, the UI for the Chopper Gunner remains the entire time, and they can still be heard firing the weapon.
Black Ops 6's Chopper Gunner Has Big Glitch When Getting Taken Down
While it might seem like a minor issue, it would definitely be very annoying to have this happen mid-Chopper Gunner. At the moment, the Chopper Gunner is one of the best Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 scorestreaks, and requires a score of 1600 without dying to use in a match. While many players have it equipped, it's very rare to actually see it come into play due to the difficulty of earning it. That's why when it's active, players want to make every second count, as they may not get another for a while. Hopefully, Treyarch can resolve this issue and make sure takedowns don't affect the Chopper Gunner going forward.
2025 should be an exciting year for Black Ops 6 fans, filled with tons of new content to enjoy until the inevitable release of Call of Duty 2025. Season 1 Reloaded is currently ongoing, and it has already been confirmed that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Season 2 will release on January 28. Details on what Season 2 will actually bring remain to be seen. It's likely that Treyarch will provide these details in a blog post closer to the release date, as it has done with previous Seasons.
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