
  • COD player wins by dancing with Molotov, getting a final kill cam in a bizarre Search and Destroy round.
  • Molotov strategy can be used with any Emote in Black Ops 6, potentially changing the game dynamics.
  • Treyarch may address the Emoting Molotov strategy if it becomes problematic in Black Ops 6.

A Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 player won a match by dancing, thanks to a Molotov they had been holding. As Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has a vast arsenal, players have earned eliminations in many unique ways, but this may be the most bizarre one yet.

Since its release, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has included numerous game modes and playlists to choose from. Among the popular Black Ops 6 multiplayer game modes are Domination, Kill Confirmed, Gunfight, Team Deathmatch, and more. Search and Destroy is another mode carried forward from earlier entries, and it involves players activating or defending a bomb, or killing the entire enemy team in the process. While many players choose to focus on the match objective, others focus on defeating the enemy team. One gamer recently concluded a match of Search and Destroy bizarrely by dancing in a hallway with a Molotov equipped, and it paid off.

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Reddit user SpawnTubing recently shared a clip from a Hardcore Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Search and Destroy match on the Rewind map. The video begins with the player activating the Black Ops 6 Season 1 Battle Pass Emote "Move Set," which is inspired by the Paris Olympics 2024 break dancer Raygun. The player does this behind a closed door leading to the A target located in Rewind's video store, and an enemy player soon approaches and eliminates them. As the gamer holds a Molotov during the Emote, it explodes in a ball of fire after they're defeated, and the round concludes with the other player's death. The clip then confirms that the Emoting player got the Final Kill thanks to their afterlife Molotov.

This Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Search and Destroy Round Ends With a Lethal Emote

While the Move Set Emote added extra flair to their final kill, this Molotov strategy can be utilized with any Emote. As this occurred in Black Ops 6's Hardcore version of Search and Destroy, the Molotov did enough initial damage to defeat the enemy player. In most Core game modes, the Molotov will cause some damage at first, but the fire effect continues to reduce the affected player's health over time. According to SpawnTubing, their equipment behavior is set to toggle instead of hold to make tactics like this easier. As they failed to elaborate on the match, it's unclear if this Emote play contributed to their team winning Search and Destroy.

As Treyarch continues to update Black Ops 6, more Emotes will likely be added to the game, expanding the possibilities of impressive kill cams like this. However, if this Emoting Molotov strategy becomes an issue in Black Ops 6, Treyarch may patch the feature to remove the possibility of holding Lethal equipment under such circumstances.