With?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward was looking to reboot the franchise, bringing the series' storyline to 2019 and giving the studio a chance to bring back fan favorite characters like Captain Price. Since the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaign is pretty short, it's safe to say that there are many fans who have already completed the game and are wondering what may be next for the series. As it so happens, the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ending does a pretty good job of setting up what is likely to come in the next game.

Assuming Infinity Ward decides to create a direct sequel to?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the ending reveals a number of things about the potential sequel, including its villain and other characters that may show up. It also reveals some plot points that will likely be followed up on in the likely?Modern Warfare 2, or whatever it ends up being called.

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Before we can discuss the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ending, we must stress that this article will have?MAJOR SPOILERS for the game. Anyone that has yet to finish to the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaign should turn back now.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Ending

At the end of?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Farah manages to kill the main antagonist Barkov, the gas factory producing chemical weapons is destroyed by Alex (who sacrifices himself), and the mission is a success. Farah's brother Hadir is sent to Russia to pay for his crimes, but it appears that he may be getting busted out soon by terrorists who have risen up to take the place of "The Wolf" Omar Sulaman, who was killed in a mission earlier in the game.

The Al-Qatala terrorist organization, now being led by the likes of Imran Zakhaev, his son Victor Zakhaev, and Khaled Al-Asad, poses a new threat to the world.?Station Chief Kate Laswell meets with Captain Price at an undisclosed location, hoping to get his help. However, Price demands the ability to set up his own task force, 141, to take on Al-Qatala and these new threats. Price selects the members of his task force, which include Kyle Garrick (aka Gaz), John "Soap" MacTavish, and Simon "Ghost" Riley.

Longtime?Call of Duty fans will recognize these names as some of the main characters in the original?Modern Warfare trilogy. They will also recognize Al-Asad and the Zakhaev family as the main antagonists of the original trilogy as well. In this way,?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare almost serves as a prequel to the other?Modern Warfare games, as it plots lead directly into the events of?Call of Duty 4, with some liberties taken.

Post-Credits Scene

There is a bit more to the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare story that players can see once the credits wrap up. It's then when the threat of Al-Asad is officially shown to Captain Price, and players also meet?Sergeant Kamarov of Russia. Russia and the United States are teaming together to tackle the threat of Al-Asad, similarly to what was seen in?Call of Duty 4.?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players can begin this fight against Al-Asad in the Spec Ops co-op missions, though there isn't much in the way of significant story developments from them.

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What Will the Sequel Be About

call of duty modern warfare 2 dead ghost

If Infinity Ward decides to make a direct sequel to?Call? of Duty: Modern Warfare, it seems pretty plain that it will loosely follow the events of?Call of Duty 4. One of the main differences seems to be?Al-Qatala wanting to extract Hadir. Another difference would be the inclusion of Simon "Ghost" Riley, who originally wasn't introduced until?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, though will apparently be a part of Price's 141 group right off the bat in?the probable sequel.

Something else that the sequel may tackle is General Shepherd, who is seen at a couple of points in the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaign, and who is the one that hooks Price up with information on the men he wants for his task force. In the original?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Shepherd caused one of the most shocking moments in?Call of Duty history when he murdered Roach and Ghost, and it will be interesting to see if Infinity Ward replicates that twist in the next game.

Of course, it's possible that Infinity Ward will do something completely different with its next?Call of Duty game. Maybe it will be more similar to the long-rumored?Modern Warfare 2 remaster, where it's more or less the same game, just with updated graphics. It's really hard to say at this point, but it's clear by the?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ending that if a direct sequel does happen, it will likely be similar to the events seen in?Call of Duty 4 and?Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

NEXT: 10 Most Shocking Moments from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Campaign