A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player has posted a video of their nail-biting extraction from Al Mazrah with tension solid enough to rival any action film. Action-packed moments such as these are just as much a charm of the Call of Duty series as its fast-paced gameplay, and although Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has missed the mark for a lot of players, this video showcases how even the relatively laid-back nature of DMZ can be eclipsed by such exciting moments.

The Call of Duty series has broken new ground several times by injecting the highly successful formula into separate genres, creating success stories such as Zombies and Warzone. Similarly, with the DMZ mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Activision is trying to craft an extraction shooter experience for players looking for a change of pace from the high-octane gameplay in Warzone. In DMZ, players can engage with AI combatants, take on faction missions with set objectives, and occasionally fight or ally with other players while attempting to extract loot. While the game mode is designed around squad-based gameplay, solo DMZ runs have become commonplace in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

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A Reddit user named sEtupTTV posted a video of a DMZ run where they extract at the last possible moment through skilled gameplay and impeccable timing. The almost minute-long video starts frantically, showing sEtupTTV flying through the gas with the clock ticking down. As the final extraction helicopter begins to leave, the player jumps out of their chopper, mantles onto the ramp of the departing vehicle, and puts on a gas mask to reach the victory screen. The most daring part is sEtupTTV narrowly avoiding the rotor blades of the extraction chopper, which are now lethal to dissuade Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players from camping atop the vehicle and killing unsuspecting combatants.

The post has garnered over 1800 upvotes, with several players commenting on how the events panned out so fluidly with such a slim chance of success. Many players in the comments have even drawn comparisons between the Mission Impossible series, hearkening back to the death-defying stunts performed in the movies. Others have speculated on the possibility of another extracting team being inside the helicopter, where sEtupTTV would've likely met a much grislier end. With exfil camping being a pressing issue in Modern Warfare 2, the chance of another player pulling off a similar extraction is slim.

Tales of such levels of cool-headed gameplay are commonplace in Call of Duty, with people pulling off new tricks almost daily, like a Modern Warfare 2 player who trapped their prey in Shipment. With Activision dedicating efforts to polishing the mode and fixing the pressing issues, DMZ lovers can safely enjoy their favorite activity.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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