For a game that's all about survival and scavenging in a contemporary mini nuclear wasteland, Chernobylite has quite a meek selection of weapons. Players only get three and a special one near the end of the game. Those three would be the Assault Rifle, Revolver, and Shotgun. For the more experienced FPS fans out there, that's a little too basic.
Worry not though as the game gets more generous with what players can do with these weapons. Chernobylite has a decent weapon upgrade system that allows players to tailor the weapons to their particular playstyle. Each of the three main weapons can be customized to perform better or even totally change how they operate. These upgrades are the best examples of such a system.
10 Big Cylinder (Revolver)
- +2 to ammo capacity
- Increased damage at mid to long-range
The Big Cylinder is what players want if they yearn to turn the Revolver into their personal hand cannon. It's a pretty big boost to the weapon's functionality. One of the Revolver's downsides is the rather limited ammo and the long reload that results in emptying all chambers.
The Big Cylinder alleviates that shortcoming a bit by adding two more shots before the winded reload animations happen. Additionally, the Big Cylinder also increases the damage a bit if players are engaging enemies from considerable distances. That's a more preferable way to deal with them.
9 Belt Magazine (Revolver)
- Highest ammo capacity increase for the Revolver
- Consumes ammo fast
The Belt Magazine would be a good alternative to the Big Cylinder especially if the players find the ammo capacity still wanting. It provides all the ammo in the pouch, not just the chambers, meaning players won't have to reload too often when they're using this upgrade.
It does come with its own caveat and that is the fact that players might become a little too careless with ammo conservation with their Revolver. After all, the Revolver's bullets aren't too powerful depending on the other upgrades.
8 Sniper Barrel (Revolver)
- +2 Range
- Provides better long-range accuracy
The Sniper Barrel's purpose is clear enough. Most Revolvers are short-barreled since their frame makes them tricky for use in longer ranges but that doesn't matter much with this upgrade. The Sniper Barrel is one of the two tools players will need if they want to turn their Revolvers into something a lot more useful in the late game.
It adds range to the Revolver, of course, and makes it easier for players to pick off targets from afar. Accuracy is improved as well in order to make the Revolver a more viable option for sniping. However, it's best to use this one with the Big Cylinder instead of the Belt one so that recoil can be more manageable.
7 Sniper Scope (Revolver)
- Give a long-range zooming capability
- Can also be used for surveillance
The second upgrade players will want if they're to turn their Revolvers into improvised sniper rifles is the Sniper Scope, obviously. Why turns the Revolver into that instead of the Assault Rifle? Because the latter is a fully automatic weapon and turning it into a sniper rifle is wasteful.
The Revolver is stuck with its semi-auto mechanism, making it a more practical candidate to be a sniper rifle. In any case, the Sniper Scope upgrade allows the Revolver a zoom function that, when not being used in combat, can be used for scouting.
6 Chamber Reinforcement (Shotgun)
- +1 Damage
- +1 Range
Now, on to the Shotgun. Another reason why players will want to turn their Revolvers into long-range weapons is that the close-quarters role already has a winner. That's the Shotgun. It packs quite a punch and can deal with multiple enemies and doesn't depend much on the shooter's accuracy, unlike the Revolver.
Naturally, increasing the damage and the range (the glaring weakness of shotguns) is a must. The Chamber Reinforcement allows for this and turns a decent close combat weapon into a deadly meat mincer boom stick. There's also no downside to using this upgrade.
5 Automatic Trigger System (Shotgun)
- -1 Damage
- -1 Recoil Reduction
- Turns the Shotgun fully automatic
Another weakness of the Shotgun is the semi-auto firing mode. It works well already but there are many moments in Chernobylite when melee enemies will swarm the players, requiring a more robust firing rate. The Automatic Trigger System for the Shotgun is perfect for that.
It turns the Shotgun into a full-auto weapon. Sacrifices had to be made, however, so that game balance can exist but the damage reduction is easily offset by chamber upgrade. Meanwhile, the Recoil Reduction also takes a hit so players might want to keep the old loading method instead of using a Cassette Magazine though that option is also viable.
4 Widened Barrel (Shotgun)
- +1 Damage
- +1 Recoil Reduction
Another way to help the Shotgun once it has the Automatic Trigger System would be to install the Widened Barrel. It straight up mitigates the downsides of the Automatic Trigger System. Recoil Reduction and Damage are improved, making the Shotgun still efficient.
This upgrade also makes the weapon perfect for dealing with enemy crowds as it gives the ammunition a bit of a spread, letting players deal damage to multiple enemies on-screen without sacrificing their aiming.
3 Extended Magazine (Assault Rifle)
- Gives the Assault Rifle 30 rounds of ammo
The Assault Rifle is the most versatile weapon players can have in Chernobylite, as to be expected of an AK rifle. Some players will notice that initially, it doesn't really hold the standard or traditional amount for AK rifles.
Hence, the Extended Magazine can fix this. It gives the Assault Rifle 30 Rounds instead of the measly 20 from the Standard Magazine. While there are options that give out bonuses, they also have drawbacks. The Extended Magazine is simpler and doesn't demand anything.
2 Sniper Trigger (Assault Rifle)
- +2 Damage
- +1 Recoil Reduction
Since it's one of the most powerful weapons in the game, players can expect to use the Assault Rifle generously, particularly during firefights with human enemies. Thus, they'll want the best damage and efficiency they can get out of the weapon.
The Sniper Trigger offers both. It's a significant damage increase for the Assault Rifle and also a considerable Recoil Reduction. Not only does it make killing enemies faster but also allows players to conserve their ammo.
1 Suppressor (Assault Rifle)
- -1 Range
- Makes the weapon quiet
- Eliminates muzzle flash
Truth be told, it's difficult to pick the best and most appropriate barrel for the Assault Rifle. However, since the Sniper Trigger already gives out a lot of Damage, then the most flexible upgrade for the barrel would be the Suppressor.
It actually reduces the Assault Rifle's range but that doesn't matter much since players already have the Revolver as a sniper rifle. The Suppressor ensures less botched stealth runs and that ammo is conserved further. Besides, a suppressed fully automatic weapon with no damage penalty is just too good in any game.