Going for a Religious Victory in Civilization 6 tends to be one of the fastest Victory paths in the game, depending on how many other players are going for Religion too. There are a lot of Civ 6 Religion civs that emphasize Faith over other yields, but some can get it done much faster than others.

Civilization 6: 7 Best Leaders for the Pangaea Map

Civilization 6's Pangaea map has all civilizations share one massive supercontinent, and some leaders are better suited to win on this than others.

These best Faith civs in Civ 6 can generate Faith the fastest, quickly take over other Holy Sites, and generally are capable of earning the fastest Religious victory in Civilization 6. While other civs might be able to win Religion victories more reliably, these Leaders can do it quickly if certain conditions are met, and if you prioritize these Faith strategies for these leaders.

Theodora - Byzantine

Easily Convert Cities While Conquering Them

Theodora Leader Ability: Metanoia

Holy Sites also grant Culture equal to Adjacency Bonus. Farms gain +1 Faith from Hippodromes and Holy Sites.

Byzantine Civ Ability: Taxis

+3 Combat and Religious Strength for all units for every Holy City you have converted, including Byzantium. Whenever you kill a unit, your Religion is spread to its controlling Civilization or City-State.

Unique Units

Dromon (Classical Ranged unit), Hippodrome (replaces Entertainment Complex, grants Amenities and a free Heavy Cavalry unit on completion and for every building in this district.

Theodora, the Leader for the Byzantium civilization, is a Leader who puts heavy emphasis on religious warfare to spread her religion. The Byzantine civ ability grants extra Combat and Religious Strength for every Holy City you have converted (including your own), and whenever you kill an enemy unit, your Religion spreads to their associated civ.

The Hippodrome makes quick conquest easy throughout every age as you get free Heavy Cavalry units as you found and create more buildings for them. Theodora's bonus to Culture generation for Holy Sites helps speed up your progression through the Civics tree, in which you should rush the Theology and Monarchy civics for more Policy Slots quickly.

Theodora is one of the best civs for the combined Domination and Religious strategy. You don't have to take over every other civ, just engage in combat with them and defeat their units to easily spread your religion.

Pick up the Crusades founding belief for extra combat strength against units following your religion, and convert outlying cities to your religion before invading them. Your religious influence will continue emanating from the city, units that follow your religion will take more damage, and they will spread your religion on death. Killing enemy units while sending regular Missionaries and Apostles to the target Holy City will convert it extremely quickly.

Menelik II - Ethiopia

Settle On Hills To Harvest Faith Without Sacrificing Culture or Science

Menelik II Leader Ability: Council of Ministers

Cities founded on Hills gain Science and Culture output equal to 15% of their Faith output. +4 Combat Strength for all units on Hills.

Ethiopia Civ Ability: Aksumite Legacy

All Resource improvements receive +1 Faith for every copy. International Trade Routes grant +0.5 Faith for every resource in the origin city. Archaeologists and Museums can be purchased with Faith.

Unique Units

Oromo Cavalry (Medieval Light Cavalry unit), Rock-Hewn Church (extra +1 Faith for every adjacent Mountain or Hills tile, provides Tourism from Faith after getting to Flight, spreads +1 Appeal to surroundings).

Menelik II seems like a more complex Civ 6 Faith leader than he actually is. As the Leader of the Ethiopia civ, he gains extra Faith for extra copies of non-strategic resources, and gains extra Faith for trading with cities that have a lot of Luxury Resources.

But his Leader ability is what makes Menelik II capable of winning Religion victories quickly.

The 31 Best Mods For Civilization 6

Civilization 6 has tons of different mods players can try out. Fans of the series will love the changes that these exceptional mods bring.

As Menelik II, found all of your cities on Hills. This grants 15% of your Faith output as Science and Culture in that city, allowing you to prioritize Faith without falling behind in Culture or Science output. It's easy to get the first Pantheon and Religion as Menelik II because you can put all of your effort into producing Faith buildings over other victory progressions.

Build Rock-Hewn Churches next to mountains, preferably surrounded by Hills or Mountain tiles, to get the highest Faith bonus possible.

That's about it – just get as many copies of Bonus and Luxury Resources as you can, trade with other civs that have lots of these resources, and build your settlements on Hills tiles to balance everything out. If you lean into Culture alongside Faith as a secondary priority, you will quickly progress through the Civic tree and unlock policies that increase your Religious influence earlier than other civs.

Jayavarman VII - Khmer

Place Holy Sites Next To Rivers For Enormous Faith Gains

Jayavarman VII Leader Ability: Monasteries of the King

Holy Sites grant Food equal to its Adjacency Bonus, gain +2 Adjacency from Rivers, +2 Housing if built next to a River, and trigger a Culture Bomb.

Khmer Civ Ability: Grand Barays

Aqueducts provide +1 Amenity, and +1 Faith for each Citizen in the city. Farms get +2 Food if placed next to an Aqueduct, and +1 Faith next to a Holy Site.

Unique Units

Domrey (Medieval Siege unit), Prasat (+6 Faith, Relic slot, extra Housing, Culture, and Food with certain beliefs). +0.5 Culture for every Citizen.

As the Leader of the Khmer civilization, Jayavarman VII is great for earning Cultural victories fast, but only if you plan around gathering as many Relics as possible. But he especially excels at earning quick Religion victories.

Civ VI players may underestimate how powerful his Leader ability is – if you place a Holy Site next to a River (which the Khmer are biased towards starting near), it will generate a ton of Faith, add Housing, and absorb the tiles immediately adjacent with a Culture Bomb. And as the Khmer, you get an extra Amenity from Aqueducts, and a full point of Faith for every citizen in the city. The Prasat unique building boosts Culture based on citizens, and grants a huge +6 Faith per turn when constructed too.

10 Best Ancient Era Civilizations In Civilization 6

Players looking to dominate the Ancient Era in Civilization 6 may want to go with the following civs.

Putting all of this information into practice, Jayavarman VII is able to earn extremely fast Religion victories with rapid city growth, rapid Faith accumulation, and high Housing and Amenity caps that allow cities to grow even larger than normal.

Place all of your Holy Sites next to rivers, prioritize building Aqueducts, and grab Wonders like the Great Bath and The Hanging Gardens to boost your Growth and mitigate the effects of living next to rivers.

Then for the rest of the game, keep developing your Holy Site and pump out an Apostle (or several Missionaries) every turn to convert every other Holy City rapidly and peacefully.

Peter - Russia

Bonus Faith On Tundra + Dance Of The Aurora = Game Over

Peter Leader Ability: The Grand Embassy

Trade Routes with other Civilizations grant +1 Science and +1 Culture for every 3 Technologies or Civics they are ahead of Russia

Russia Civ Ability: Mother Russia

Gain 5 extra tiles on founding a city, Tundra tiles grant +1 Faith and +1 Production. Units are immune to Blizzard, but civilizations at war with Russia suffer double penalties inside Russian territory.

Unique Units

Cossack (Industrial Era), Lavra (Replaces Holy District, expand by 2 tiles in the nearest city whenever you spend a Great Person there)

Russia is a very powerful civilization in Civ VI, able to win any victory type. It wouldn't be accurate to describe Peter as a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none, as he is the best Religious Victory civ by a wide margin.

As the Leader of Russia, Peter grants extra Science and Culture when establishing Trade Routes with civs that are ahead of them on either the Tech or Civic track. This is handy for shoring up these yields, but the real power of Russia comes from the civilization's own ability.

When playing as Russia, you get more tiles on founding a city and access to the Lavra, a replacement for the Holy Site. When you expend a Great Person in a city with a Lavra, your borders will extend by two tiles. In addition to this extremely powerful land-grabbing ability, Russia grants extra Faith and Production to Tundra tiles.

As Peter you will start with a bias towards Tundra zones on the map, which lets you immediately take advantage of the Faith and Production bonus granted to these tiles.

Civilization 6: Best Pantheon

Players who are having trouble choosing their pantheon in Civilization 6 can find details on the best ones for each victory type here.

Rush the Dance of the Aurora pantheon to get even more yields from Tundra tiles, then create Settlers (with the Magnus promotion that prevents Population loss) to expand wide across the entire Tundra of the world.

By the time you get your fourth City and establish a Lavra there, your Faith output will likely be head and shoulders above every other civ. Continue to build out these Holy Sites, pick up St Basil's Cathedral for even more bonuses to Tundra tiles, and build plenty of Builders to harvest all the new resources your Great People will expand your cities into.

Peter is capable of some of the fastest Religious victories Civ VI players can earn. If you can significantly improve Tundra tiles and take full advantage of your Lavras, your Faith output should be able to get you an early win.