Control has a wide range of achievements/trophies for players to collect. Some will come by naturally progressing through the game’s main story. This includes completing the main story missions, obtaining certain powers, and players getting their service weapon. Other achievements/trophies will require more effort.

Players should start on Alerts and Countermeasures early so that they do not turn into a large grind. Players will also want to mark where all the game's hidden locations are so that they do not need to traverse the entirety of the map after completing the game. For anyone asking, “Do accessibility features block achievements/trophies?" take comfort in knowing they do not.

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All Achievements/Trophies in Control

Control Official Steam Image

Here is a guide on how to get all the achievements/trophies in the Control core game experience.

Director of the FBC

Unlock all other trophies

This is the Platinum trophy for PlayStation players. It will unlock automatically once all other trophies have been obtained.

Welcome to the Oldest House

Complete Mission 1

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Unknown Caller

Complete Mission 2

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Directorial Override

Complete Mission 3

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Old Boys' Club

Complete Mission 4

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.


Complete Mission 5

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

My Brother's Keeper

Complete Mission 6

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

The Face of the Enemy

Complete Mission 7

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Finnish Tango

Complete Mission 8

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.


Complete Mission 9

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Take Control

Complete Mission 10

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Choose to be Chosen

Obtain the Service Weapon

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Paranatural Powerhouse

Obtain the Launch Ability

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Rising Thought

Obtain the Levitate Ability

This trophy/achievement will be unlocked by progressing the main story.

Astral Construction

Construct a Weapon Form or Mod

As players progress through the game, they will find numerous control points. Players can use these control points to craft. Players will need sufficient materials to craft, but once they have enough, they can unlock this by crafting either a new weapon form or a mod.

Non-Standard Issue

Upgrade any Weapon Form to Level 3

Players will collect various kinds of resources throughout the game. These can be used to get their weapons to higher levels. Collect these resources and then use Control Points to upgrade any of the game’s weapons to level 3.

Career Development

Unlock all 3 Personal Mod slots

As players progress through the game by completing missions, they will accrue ability points. Players will be able to spend these ability points at Control Points. Once they have invested enough, their 3rd person mod slot will become available — unlocking this achievement/trophy.

The Importance of Synergy

Complete 5 Side Missions

There are 18 side missions in the core game experience. Players will need to complete 5 of these missions for this to unlock.

Inter-Departmental Cooperation

Complete 10 Side Missions

There are 18 side missions in the core game experience. Players will need to complete 10 of these missions for this to unlock.

FBC Crisis Solution Task Force

Complete 15 Side Missions

There are 18 side missions in the core game experience. Players will need to complete 15 of these missions for this to unlock.

Paranatural Collection

Collect more than 100,000 Source

Source is a resource that will be dropped by defeated enemies. Players will unlock this by simply defeating enemies and collecting Source. Players can speed this up by deconstructing mods they do not want for additional Source.

Interdimensional Defender

Killed 1000 Hiss

Every time a player kills a Hiss, they will progress this. Players will encounter Hiss by moving around the game’s world. So traveling on foot instead of fast traveling will mean more enemies encountered.


Unlock 1 Ability Upgrade

Players will obtain ability points as they complete missions and discover hidden locations throughout the game. Spend any ability point for this to unlock.

Expert Parautilitarian

Unlock 50% of the Ability Upgrades

This will unlock by progressing through the game and spending the obtained ability points. There are numerous different abilities, and players will become far more powerful as they invest their ability points.

Master Parautilitarian

Unlock 100% of the Ability Upgrades

Players with just the core version of the game will need to discover every hidden location and complete every mission in order to have enough ability points. However, the game’s DLC packs offer additional ability points, allowing players to get enough of these points without needing to find all the core game’s hidden locations or completing every side mission.

Insular Telekinesis

Obtain the Shield Ability

This power is obtained by completing the side mission called A Good Defence. Jess will acquire new abilities by interacting with the mysterious Objects of Power.

Shifting Positions

Obtain the Evade Ability

This power is obtained by completing the side mission called A Merry Chase. One of the things players might not know about Control, is that some of the abilities can be overlooked entirely. Evade is extremely useful and players will want to add it sooner rather than later.

Psychic Occupation

Obtain the Seize Ability

This power is obtained by completing the side mission called A Captive Audience.

Ritualistic Thinking

Cleanse 5 Control Points

As players discover new areas, they will discover new Control Points. These are where players will spend their resources and fast travel between. Cleanse 5 of these for this to unlock.

Ritual Intuition

Cleanse 10 Control Points

Cleanse 10 Control Points for this to unlock.

Discerning the Pattern

Cleanse 25 Control Points

Cleanse 25 Control Points for this to unlock.
