Fans of horror and survival video games?who have a fear?of clowns may end up suffering from coulrophobia if they were to ever visit the supposedly haunted Clown Motel.?Previously owned by Bob Perchetti for over two decades, the Clown Motel is now owned and operated by its CEO, Hame Anand, after Perchetti retired in 2017. Anand purchased the property for a cool $900,000.

Consolidating his then-200 strong clown collection with the Clown Motel's collection of approximately 800 clowns, the property has an undeniable reputation -- one that has allured people from all over the world for years. Being situated next to a graveyard helped the attraction not only earn a reputation for its corridors filled with clowns,?but also for being haunted.

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Refusing to be intimidated by any resident spirits, Anand explained how, although initially scared, he believed he had come to be the Clown Motel owner through a "divine power" that wanted him there to run the motel. He argued how, if that was the case, "they are not going to mess with me."

According to Anand, visitors to the Clown Motel can expect spectral experiences in rooms 108, 109, 210, 215 and 217. There have been apparent reports of bathroom doors opening and closing, whispers in the dark, and, at one point, a ghost materializing before four women in a bathroom. Taking a page out of Casper's playbook, however, the women claimed the helpful ghost offered to fix the toilet.

Although the ghosts that haunt Clown Motel's hallways are said to be friendly, Anand has leaned into the horror to appeal to those who like things a little darker. He converted a few rooms into horror movie-themed abodes, including a Friday the 13th room, a Halloween room, an Exorcist room, an even an It-themed room for Pennywise fans.?Unfortunately, none of these rooms offer a view into the adjacent graveyard -- though Anand revealed he has plans to build 14 "special" rooms that will permit visitors the ability to gaze over the tombstones next door.

The Clown Motel now boasts approximately 2000 clowns figures in the lobby alone. Horror fans and clown lovers can find it in Tonopah, Nevada.

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Source: Thrillist