Although it has taken a while to reach the finish line, the end for Crimson Desert may be in sight. Originally announced as part of Pearl Abyss Connect 2019 in November 2019, Crimson Desert was first pitched as a prequel MMORPG for Pearl Abyss' long-running Black Desert Online. The next few years were spent delaying the game and gradually changing what it actually was, with multiplayer, online elements, and even Black Desert’s relevance taking a backseat. However, now that the September 2024 Pearl Abyss investor meeting and The Game Awards 2024 have produced a new trailer and other notable details, Crimson Desert might have finally nailed down its identity.

To make a long story short, Crimson Desert is a single-player open-world action-RPG. Pearl Abyss has plans to implement separate multiplayer post-launch, similar to GTA Online, but the base game consists of a straightforward offline adventure. Late 2025 is Crimson Desert’s most recent launch window, and while that's still far off and uncertain, the game promises to be worth the wait. As an apparent combination of Dragon’s Dogma with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Crimson Desert is using all the developer talents and proprietary BlackSpace Engine built up by Black Desert to produce a game that fantasy fans shouldn't miss.

Crimson Desert Hands-On Preview

At Gamescom, Game Rant went hands-on with the action-adventure game Crimson Desert, playing through a tutorial fight and two bosses.

How Crimson Desert Sets Its Stage

Crimson Desert sees players take control of Kliff Macduff, the captain of the Greymane mercenary band, and guide his footsteps through the high fantasy continent of Pywel. According to early descriptions, the continent is “embroiled in war for unprecedented power,” potentially referring to a power vacuum left in the wake of the reigning king's death. Regardless of the reason, Kliff and his battered band will have to soldier past their tragic histories and save Pywel from a looming catastrophe. Further story details are unknown, but unraveling Crimson Desert’s secrets will take a meaty 50–80 hours.

Crimson Desert Players Will Be Treading Familiar Ground

That's a pretty broad goal, and unfortunately, despite over an hour of trailers and preview footage being available, it's the best summary of Crimson Desert’s driving motivation right now. As for its gameplay loop, the time-honored mixture of open-world exploration and accepting quests from NPCs will keep the gameplay loop spinning. The eventual multiplayer will probably be similar, although Black Desert-style raid bosses and PvP could help it stand out. Black Desert’s distinctive art style also permeates the experience, though Crimson Desert’s impressive-looking Pywel has more Norse influences, a la Skyrim, in addition to the usual Eastern and European Fantasy trappings.

Gameplay Is At The Forefront of Crimson Desert

Players may also find difficult combat encounters ending with themselves thrown into the sky like Skyrim, though Crimson Desert doesn't waste such dramatic stakes on ordinary trolls. Combat is a huge part of Crimson Desert, with its mechanics not merely imitating Dragon’s Dogma, but exposing its Devil May Cry and Shadow of the Colossus roots. Encounters can range from groups of enemies, to roughly human-sized elite duels, to Monster Hunter fantasy beasts, to enormous colossi that players must scale without being launched off. With airborne battles also in the mix and an unknown number of combat options and customizations available, Crimson Desert’s fighting could be its most important feature.

The Hype Is In Crimson Desert's Details

Anyone wanting more than combat from their RPGs won't be disappointed, as Crimson Desert also has a firm grasp on what made players get lost in Tears of the Kingdom’s world. Not only are there familiar mechanics like archery, horseback riding, climbing, gliding, and cooking, but there are also environmental puzzles and TotK-adjacent sky islands in Crimson Desert. Of course, Crimson Desert also hosts a fishing minigame, but it's easy to lose sight of it amid all the other grand activities on offer. Crimson Desert has a little something for everyone, and hopefully it proves worth the wait.

Crimson Desert Tag Page Cover Art

Experience the untold tale of mercenaries struggling to survive in the unforgiving lands of Pywel.
Whether you intend to or not, your actions will influence the story of Pywel.
Enter a war-torn realm of medieval fantasy, where allegiances are tested and heroes are made.
The world of Pywel is ready to embrace fate.
Will yours be the one that defines it?

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