CD Projekt Red is absolutely torturing its fans looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077. It's not that Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed to September, which was an understandable decision. It's that very little of the game has been shown lately. Cyberpunk 2077 may as well be a next-gen game with how little's been shared in recent months. Today CD Projekt Red must have been feeling generous, as it's put out a new short video clip of one of Cyberpunk 2077's many awesome-looking vehicles.

The video clip was shared in celebration of the fifth anniversary of Mad Max Fury Road's release in theaters. Mad Max Fury Road has been hugely influential in the video game industry since its release. For a film just five years old, its influence is profound. Fittingly, CD Project Red is celebrating the film by showing a new Cyberpunk 2077 car. It's a heavily modified vehicle used by one of Cyberpunk 2077's most evil and dangerous gangs, the Wraiths.

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CD Projekt Red shared the video clip on Twitter with a short message. "'Reaver' - custom-built Wraith gang vehicle based on Quadra Type-66 car. With its near 1000 horsepower, you will ride eternal, shiny and chrome. Happy 5th Anniversary #MadMaxFuryRoad." Perhaps CD Projekt Red's staff are just huge fans of the film or perhaps it was just a great opportunity to share something cool from the game.

The short video clip does share more than just an impressive?Cyberpunk 2077 vehicle, however. In fact, it shares two very interesting things. The first is the official confirmation of the Wraith gang in Cyberpunk 2077. This had previously been soft-revealed via Wraith logos on certain advertising. The Wraith gang is said to wear the skins of its enemies.

More importantly, however,? is the setting in the short video. CD Projekt Red is showing what appears to be an area well outside of Night City itself. What's presumably Night City can be seen hidden by clouds, fog, or smog in the distance. Otherwise, it's an arid looking desert region with some cacti and brush. Night City may just be a sort of oasis in the middle of a wasteland.

The car itself, the modified Quadra Type-66 vehicle dubbed the Reaver looks fittingly futuristic. It seems to have some blueish-green graffiti on its side with a skull and "Wraiths" written below it. Then on the other side of the vehicle is what appears to be a skeleton's arm painted on. But otherwise, it looks a lot like other Cyberpunk 2077 cars that have been shown.

Cyberpunk 2077 releases September 17 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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