The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Threads
Join the Game Rant community’s most recent discussion threads on Bethesda’s timeless open-world RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
If You Could Have Any Dog From A Video Game As A Pet In Real Life, Who Would You Pick?
I'd love to give Meeko from Skyrim a home, mainly because I hate thinking of the poor thing being left all alone at his deceased owner's shack. I'd also love to adopt Bear from The Last of Us Part 2 just to ensure that Ellie wouldn't ever come into contact with him. To be honest, there are very few video game dogs that I wouldn't adopt. If I had the space, I'd probably even adopt Fenrir from God of War Ragnarok.
Which Guild Questline is Your Favorite in Skyrim?
I've always loved just how unique the Dark Brotherhood questline is in Skyrim. It starts off pretty tame, and then suddenly, you wake up in a shack and need to make a choice on who to kill. There are also some twists and turns along the way, and memorable characters like Cicero that just make the whole thing easily one of the best questlines in the game. I'd say the Thieves Guild is a close second simply due to the sheer length of it and where it takes you, even though Mercer is a super infuriating villain.
Who's Your Go-To Marriage Partner in Skyrim?
I usually like to go for characters who can also be taken along as companions. That means NPCs who are too weak to fight I just ignore. From husbands, Onmund and Farkas seem like the most interesting ones, so I tend to pick them. From wives, Aela is a no-brainer, but I also like Jenassa for being a more morally gray/evil option.
Who Do You Usually Side With in Skyrim's Civil War—The Imperials or The Stormcloaks?
This is the age-old debate I still see floating around. From what I can tell, the general consensus is to side with the Imperials, since the Stormcloaks are Thalmor pawns, but I've seen some defending the rebellion regardless. Personally, I always go with the Imperials, after siding with the Stormcloaks in my first playthrough years ago. I tend to play a Dunmer character, and Ulfric isn't exactly fond of them (ahem, the Gray Quarter), so the choice was obvious.
Have You Actually Finished Skyrim's Story?
Despite how immensely popular and beloved it is, I was suprised to see a few people mention that, while?Skyrim?is one of their all-time favorite games, they still haven't finished the main story. I get it, though. There is just so much to do and see, that you can have a complete gaming experience without ever knowing how the Dragonborn's tale ends. Have you finished it?
It Would Be Great If You Could Choose Your Starting Location In New Playthroughs More
For those big games with tons of replayability, I think it would be great if you could opt to skip certain opening sequences and get more into the free exploration component of the game. I don't expect to drop in halfway through, but for games that I have put a lot of hours and multiple playthroughs into, it would be great to have some flexibility. For example, as iconic as the intro to?Skyrim?is, I wouldn't mind skipping the whole initial dragon attack. It's not a perfect and polished idea, but I can't be the only one who'd like that?
Who's Fired Up For Skyblivion?
It sounds like we haven't got long left until the long-awaited?Skyblivion mod is added to?Skyrim. I am so so keen to see it, it's a testament to the hard-working volunteers that have helped to the project. It couldn't come at a better time, and will definitely get me geared up and ready for?Elder Scrolls 6
Share Your Most Fun Skyrim Build
I once exploited a bug that let me equip five Amulets of Talos, which basically gave me 100% Shout cooldown reduction. From then on, combat boiled down to me using Unrelenting Force to throw people off cliffs or ragdoll them to the floor, giving me free rein to whack their faces with melee weapons. Flying through Skyrim with Whirlwind Sprint was pretty fun too.
What's Your Favorite Bethesda Game?
This is an easy one for me -?Skyrim. Although, plenty can be said about its predecessors, as well as what they've managed to accomplish with the?Fallout?series.?Skyrim?is the one game I'll never stop going back to, and certainly appeals to my interests in dragons and fantasy since I grew up. A timeless classic! It'll be tough to top, but I'm eager to see what?Elder Scrolls?6?will bring to the table.

Your Rating
Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim celebrates 10 years of adventuring in stunning detail. The Anniversary Edition includes a decade worth of content: the critically acclaimed core game and add-ons of Skyrim Special Edition, plus Creation Club content released on or prior to November 11, 2021.
Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose.
Play any type of character you can imagine, and do whatever you want; the legendary freedom of choice, storytelling, and adventure of The Elder Scrolls is realized like never before.
Choose from hundreds of weapons, spells, and abilities. The new character system allows you to play any way you want and define yourself through your actions.
Battle ancient dragons like you’ve never seen. As Dragonborn, learn their secrets and harness their power for yourself.
What's Your Favorite Shout in Skyrim?
I don't think anything beats the satisfaction of sending people flying off a cliff with Unrelenting Force, which is why that shout is still my favorite to this day. Although, Whirlwind Sprint comes very close to that, since I can use it to throw myself off a cliff instead.
What's Your Favorite Daedric Quest In Skyrim?
Sanguine’s “A Night to Remember” is one of the funniest quests in the game, as the player has to put together the pieces of their drunken night with the Lord of Revelry. Vaermina’s quest, “Waking Nightmare,” is another one I really like because of its strong storytelling. Plus, the Dragonborn gets the opportunity to either defy or submit to an evil deity.
What's The Best Daedric Artifact In Skyrim?
Objectively, the best one in the game is Hermaeus Mora’s Oghma Infinium. The massive benefit of raising six different skills by five levels each is unmatched throughout the game. Because I do a lot of Enchanting, I’m also a big fan of the Black Star, which is essentially a reusable Black Soul Gem. And of course, you can’t beat the sheer hilarity of the Wabbajack.
In Skyrim, Do You Side With The Dawnguard Or The Volkihar Clan?
I always prefer the Dawnguard. The narrative of freeing Serana from her father’s control feels more satisfying from that side. Plus, the characters that make up the Dawnguard itself are such a weird, wonderful bunch, which feels more immersive to me than the Volkihar Clan. And last but not least, no one can deny how fun it is to have an armored troll as a follower. ?
In Skyrim, What's Your Favorite Crafting Skill -- Alchemy, Enchanting, or Smithing?
My favorite has always been Alchemy. I'm a "pick up everything" gamer, so I collect all the alchemy ingredients I find. I like experimenting to find all the effects of the ingredients, and seeing how many effects I can fit into one potion. Not to mention, some of them can give the Dragonborn huge advantages.
Which Home In Skyrim Is Your Favorite?
When looking at the player homes in Skyrim, players have a ton of options. There is at least one home in each of the Holds and then several different ones from the DLCs in the game. The amount of homes can be difficult for players since they will want to focus on one at a time. For me, I always start with the Lakeview Manor home that you can build in the Falkreath Hold. I love it just because the amazing lake nearby (plus, there are some great mods for the home).
What's Your Favorite Race To Play In Skyrim?
I've played several different races, but my favorite is to play as a Dark Elf. Roleplaying their social status in Skyrim is really interesting, especially on Solstheim with the Dragonborn DLC. Plus, Destruction magic is my favorite skill to use in combat, and Dunmer have their +10 racial bonus in this skill.
Which Skyrim DLC Is Better: Dragonborn Or Dawnguard?
I think Dragonborn edges it out by a hair for me. I really enjoyed the mysterious, creepy tone, and the elements of eldritch horror that Hermaeus Mora brings to the story. I love the atmosphere of Solstheim and the island is full of interesting side quests, like digging up Kolbjorn Barrow or preventing an assassination in Raven Rock. Not to mention, it added plenty of interesting characters -- my personal favorite is Neloth.
What Has Made Skyrim So Successful?
From the moment you saw the Skyrim announcement trailer with the Dragonborn song, you knew that the game was special. I mean, everyone has dreamt of fighting dragons at least once in their lifespan. One of the things that made Skyrim special was their unique approach to that experience: Dragons were by no means just simple pre-scripted creatures that went from point A to B, and then to C. Their randomness and whimsical nature defined the game itself. From popping up over your head with no warning, to rampaging through a village just to flee without notice, to dropping a mammoth from a mountainside out of the blue: that's the smartest move Bethesda could have made with the number 1 enemies in Skyrim. The game world is not just vast and filled with secrets to uncover: It is the constant threat of never knowing when a dragon is going to land in your face that gives spice to the experience.
What is Your Favorite Skyrim Build?
While playing Skyrim, the game allows players to truly create the Dragonborn that they want. Whether you prefer playing as a mage, archer, rogue, fighter, or anything in between, Skyrim has you covered. Even within each of those general builds, players can find a ton of subcategories of builds, truly letting them create the character they want. For me, I always go with an archer and rogue mixed. While a vampire build makes sense here, I usually do werewolf just because I love the companions. With light armor, the perfect combinations of daggers and bows, and some good skills, this is the best build I have found.
Skyrim is Better Than Oblivion. Change My Mind.
Skyrim does a greater job translating storytelling to gameplay than Oblivion does. Its world has the perfect balance between environmental storytelling and content, while Oblivon's content seems to rely heavily on following a strict path, Skyrim's randomness and "surprise, Dragon!" features make it even more fun to play. Worldbuilding in TES Oblivion seems to be the weaker link, where every city and town seems to be cut from the same quarry, while in Skyrim, each town, village, and City has its own identity.
Would You Rather Be a Werewolf or Vampire in Skyrim, And Why
While playing Skyrim, you'll find that there are monsters hidden in plain sight. People who are werewolves and vampires walk the streets of Tamriel, preying on the innocents. Before the Dawnguard DLC, the Werewolves were probably the most powerful of these foes; however, the DLC changed that. With Dawnguard, Vampires have the power to become Vampire Lords, making them just as (if not more so) powerful as Werewolves. I think that the choice comes down to the type of character you want to play. For those who value stealth, being a Vampire makes things easier. As someone playing as a build that values power and bravery, Werewolves are the way to go.
What's Your Favorite City In Skyrim?
Skyrim is a vast and beautiful open world, and every city has something different to offer. Do you prefer the aesthetic of Falkreath's rain and graveyards, the cheerful bustle of Whiterun, or little towns like Riverwood? Personally, I love the unique and beautiful architecture in Markarth, and the political intrigue ensures that the city never gets boring.
Who Is The Best Skyrim Romance Option and Why?
Players can marry 30 different female NPCs and 36 different male NPCs, making it one of the games with the most romance options, period. Considering there are so many options, it can be difficult to narrow down which ones are the best. I think that I usually go with either Farkas or Vilkas, the twins from the Companions.
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