Hideo Kojima took the stage at Gamescom 2019's opening night live event to shock and awe the world with more of his highly-anticipated action title, Death Stranding,?and shock and awe he did. Not only did it showcase more of the known characters Mama, Bridge Baby, and Dead Man, but it even went so far as to reveal that Death Stranding players can pee. Going on, it was also revealed that a new cameo, this one for Geoff Keighley, would appear in the game.

For the uninitiated, Death Stranding has a number of celebrity cameos and characters. The Walking Deads' Norman Reedus plays the protagonist, Sam Bridges, and Mads Mikkelsen, who has recently played in Doctor Strange and Star Wars: Rogue One, plays the role of Cliff, a presumed antagonist. Joining these giants is gaming journalist and personality, Geoff Keighley.

Keighley, who hosts The Game Awards, the E3 Coliseum, and most recently Gamescom's ONL,?appears as a hologram in Death Stranding, where he expresses relief for Bridges' delivery. It doesn't appear that this is a one-off, either, as Keighley's character asks Bridges for another favor and even said that he'd hate it if this moment was the last time the two met.

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Hopefully, we'll see more of Keighley's character in the weeks leading up to the game's release, but Keighley's cameo certainly isn't the strangest thing to be revealed all night. It was also revealed that Death Stranding players can calm the Bridge Baby whenever he or she gets fussy using motion control. Combined with the aforementioned ability to pee makes Death Stranding all the stranger, even when it doesn't seem that it can.

On top of these two mechanics, Kojima also revealed another extended look into Death Stranding gameplay, which shouldn't be much of a surprise given its November release date. The months are dwindling down to its release, so sooner rather than later, players will be able to get their hands on the Kojima game where they can meet Keighley, pee, and calm babies.

Death Stranding launches on November 8, exclusively for PS4.

MORE: Death Stranding Teased for PS5