The Destiny 2 experience changed significantly after its highly anticipated expansion Beyond Light arrived last week. The New Light experience was overhauled with the return of the Cosmodrome destination alongside the introduction of NPC Shaw Han. In addition, four major destinations were placed into the Destiny Content Vault and a large portion of weapons were effectively sunset. While Beyond Light introduced its own set of new content including the frozen destination of Europa, Bungie has held even more content back to be introduced as the current Season of the Hunt progresses on.
Naturally, Destiny 2 dataminers have already had a field day digging through the new files. While fans continue to wait for the Deep Stone Crypt raid as well as the reappearance of Uldren "Crow" Sov into the game, a new leak reveals three new activities that appear to be coming in the near future. The latest activity information comes from Reddit user done6868, who came across a new details for Exo Challenges.
While the context as to where or why these Simulation Challenges are coming from, but the activity details were found buried in the game files. Safeguard appears to be a horde mode style activity where players test their defensive abilities against a Vex onslaught. Survival adds a new element to the activity by not only having players fight Vex but an increasing winter storm on Europa as well. The final activity is called Agility and while it features the Vex as the primary antagonist, it also pushes players to continue moving while fighting them as well. The image show a lot of floating platforms, likely involving floating stages that players will need to platform their way over to.
According to the dataminer, these activities will be part of the upcoming Lament exotic sword quest, a weapon which looks like a heavy sword mixed with a chainsaw. As to why these activities are happening, done6868 theorizes that these are simulations set up by Clovis Bray to prepare new Exo units for fighting the Vex. He goes on to hypothesize that these don't actually take place in the real world and instead are simulations that could potentially offer players weekly powerful rewards.
The new content will be a welcomed addition from players, who continue to lament the seemingly lack of new things in Beyond Light. The biggest issue for many is the fact that weapon sunsetting may have been a bit too aggressive, leaving players will a much smaller pool of viable weapons than originally thought. While there is still a number of activities and rewards still left to come this season, including the previously mentioned Lament sword and Hawkmoon hand cannon, players have ultimately found that Beyond Light had added only a third as many new weapons as Forsaken did. Granted, Bungie had Activision support studio help during that expansion, so it may be a bit unfair to compare the two expansions.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light?is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Reddit