Destiny 2 has players scrambling to feed as much Polarized Fractaline to the Obelisks as they possibly can in preparation for the end of the Season of Dawn. The immense project stands as a player constructed monument to the effort players are willing to put into the game, but that effort may, even at peak efficiency, take longer to finish than most players think.

The event makes up the current major endgame goal of the entire?Destiny 2 community, with 7 total stages, each completed by the playerbase contributing a certain amount of Polarized Fractaline to the Tower Obelisk in exchange for progress on Timelost Weapon Bounties. The overall amount of Fractaline needed to progress increases with each stage, starting at 400,000,000 for the first stage and increasing by larger amounts each time a new level is reached.

RELATED: How Destiny 2's Empyrean Foundation Event Will Work

So far, only the Fractaline requirements for the first three stages of the Empyrean Foundation have been revealed, but that may change soon, seeing as the second stage, which required a total of 700,000,000 donated, is already in?the rear view mirror. Following Game Rant's?Empyrean Foundation event guide, it is not hard to realize that, since the amount donated resets to zero each time, there is a truly enormous amount of Fractaline that needs to be contributed to finish the event. This becomes slightly problematic if the pattern for increasing the amount of Fractaline needed for each stage holds constant. So far, the increase from stage 1 to stage 2 has been 300,000,000 Fractaline, and the increase between stage 2 to stage 3 has been 500,000,000.

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If this pattern holds, and the increase between each stage's requirements is raised by 200,000,000 each time, the amount needed to complete stage 7 could easily sit at 5.9 billion Fractaline, maybe more. One Reddit user has calculated that the total time needed to contribute this much will, across the entire Destiny 2?community, come to 2 years worth of time counting only the time spent pressing the donate button. The actual time sink, even for players who time their Obelisk resets correctly, could be even higher.

Now keep in mind, this is how much time may be spent across the entire community, so an individual's time commitment will almost assuredly not measure anything close to even 1 year. There will be time to contribute Fractaline the event and still hunt down Season of Dawn's "Saviour" title.

Nevertheless, this sort of time and energy commitment is one that many?Destiny 2 players are growing tired of putting in every single season. The seasonal Destiny 2 burnout and fear of missing out continues to hound players, and many are hoping for a change with the new season, although Empyrean Foundation certainly does not represent that change.

Destiny 2 is available for the PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Stadia.

MORE: Destiny 2:?The History of Trials of Osiris

Source: Reddit/Tr1angleChoke