With each passing week, Destiny 2 players must tackle a different Ascendant Challenge in the Dreaming City to earn some powerful rewards. While the game has cycled around to the older Challenges now, players can now focus on finding the collectibles in each of these Ascendant Realms. This week’s Ascendant Challenge is the same as the second week’s, located in the Garden of Esila, and here is where players can find the hidden lore collectible and the Taken Eggs.

It is highly recommended that Destiny 2 players clear the Challenge before attempting to find these hidden items. The last thing players need is to be booped off a cliff by a Taken Phalanx or crushed by an Ascendant Knight. To clear this challenge, players simply need to dunk the three Arc charges into the center of the arena and then destroy the three Ascendant Knights. If players want to make it easy, after dunking the Arc charges, they can perch in one of the?nearby trees and pick off the Knights with Whisper of the Worm. Or for a more exciting approach, the font of Light in the center will continuously fill a player’s super so clearing the Knights should be easy.

destiny 2 forsaken week 2 ascendant challenge ahamkara bones

Once players have opened the chest, they can walk around the arena with ease. Players should go after the Taken Eggs first, since the lore collectible is in a more dangerous location. The first Egg can be found by walking up the ramp to the right of the exit portal and looking down to the right. Beneath the nearby platform is the first Egg. The second Egg can be found by walking across the bridge to the right of the ramp players just went up (the bridge is directly over the first egg). Once players are between the four broken columns, they should look down and to the left off the bridge to see the second and final Taken Egg in-between some roots. Players will want to make sure they have Wish-Ender on them so they can break these two hidden items.

The lore collectible can be found by going toward the ramp that players ascended for the first egg, but following the lower bridge just left of the high path. This path will take players out across a bridge that stretches onward into the darkness. Once players reach the end of the bridge, they will see a floating rock to the left and should jump on that. Once on the rock, players can look down and see the Ahamkara bones on a ledge below. Once the bones have been collected and the Eggs have been shot, players will be done with this challenge and can wait for the next cycle to begin.

These challenges have been a great addition to the game, and one of the many things Bungie got right in Forsaken. Hopefully, more interesting challenges like these will be introduced in Black Armory and other future expansions.

Destiny 2: Forsaken is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.