With only a few weeks until the release of Destiny 2's new Shadowkeep expansion, players are taking the opportunity to pick up a few more rewards before moving into Year 3. Alongside players, Bungie is doing its part to make sure these final weeks playing Destiny 2 before Shadowkeep are that much more rewarding. As part of the recent Mars-related community challenge, players unlocked free Menagerie rewards and today players will earn two extra rewards for each completion.

Nothing is changing with regards to playing the Menagerie itself; players will progress through the waves of enemies like normal, all the way up through slotting runes into the Chalice of Opulence. However, instead of just one special reward popping out, players will receive three (or four if they have an upgraded Chalice).

RELATED:?Destiny 2 Increasing Menagerie Rewards for Community Challenge

This week is the second of four where Bungie will increase?Menagerie rewards in Destiny 2. Every Friday Bungie will increase the Menagerie rewards until players reach 5 total rewards. It's the perfect opportunity for Destiny 2 players to pick up a weapon with exactly the rolls they want, and then the reward bonus will go away when Shadowkeep releases on October 1st.

The Mars community challenge tasked all Destiny 2 players with completing five different challenges hundreds of thousands of times. Challenges included defeating 175,000 Wave 7 Escalation Protocol bosses, 300 million Hive on Mars, and killing Nightfall bosses on both Strange Terrain and Will of the Thousands. Destiny 2 players completed the challenges with relative ease, and the increasing Menagerie rewards are their spoils.

destiny 2 season of opulence art

Destiny 2 players should make the most of the Menagerie rewards while the Season of Opulence lasts. Once Shadowkeep arrives, players will have new power levels to attain and new rewards to hunt.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Shadowkeep releases on October 1.

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