Destiny 2’s new Forsaken expansion this fall is set to shake up how the mod system in the game works—and it looks to be in all the ways in which fans have been asking. Whereas since launch mods have felt generally underwhelming in their effect on a player’s experience besides the 5-point power boost they grant, the reworked mod system coming in Forsaken could make a much larger impact.

Destiny 2: Forsaken’s Game Director Steve Cotton spoke with Game Informer, divulging more details about what players can expect in the new mod system. The biggest change—and the one that fans have been asking for—is that mods will now grant actual perks that can change the way a weapon plays. Here are some of the mods that Cotton revealed:

  • Icarus Grip – improves in-air accuracy (Destiny 1 veterans will remember this as the Icarus perk)
  • Radar Tuner – the motion tracker returns sooner after coming out of ADS
  • Targeting Adjuster – grants better target acquisition

Because these mods will be much more powerful, they will consequentially also be rarer. According to Cotton, players shouldn’t expect to be abundantly earning mods anymore in Destiny 2 after Forsaken. Instead, the developer hopes mods will be exciting and interesting drops that will make players feel like now they can mod their favorite weapons, making them that much more powerful and their own. Cotton says this mod system will also apply to raid weapons with those weapons also being able to take raid-specific mods that won’t be available to mod onto other non-raid weapons.

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There are a couple consequences that come from this change. For one, mods will no longer grant a +5 power bonus when equipping. Because of this, there also won’t be Rare mods anymore just Legendary mods. As a result, when Forsaken launches, players will need to visit the Gunsmith to turn in their current mods to gain components to craft new ones. This should all sound great for fans, but there is also a downside to this change—there will no longer be elemental mods that allow players to change the element on their weapons, something many players do to tailor their weapons to an elemental burn or to take on a specific kind of enemy encounter.

However, overall these changes to mods look to make the system much more impactful on Destiny 2’s gameplay and combined with the inclusion of random weapon rolls in the game, mods could very well become a new item for fans to chase to build their perfect version of a favorite weapon.

Destiny 2: Forsaken launches on September 4, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Game Informer