
  • The Destiny 2 development team addresses player feedback regarding the removal of Legendary Shards in The Final Shape.
  • The removal of Legendary Shards will lead to major changes in the game's economy, including increased drop rates for materials and currencies.
  • Players should use their stockpile of Legendary Shards wisely before The Final Shape expansion, as the currency will no longer hold any value.

The Destiny 2 development team reacts to player feedback regarding the removal of Legendary Shards in The Final Shape and makes an immediate decision regarding the game's current sandbox. The Final Shape will be the last expansion for the Light and Darkness saga in Destiny 2, so players can expect major changes in an update released alongside the expansion.

Bungie's September 14 "This Week in Destiny" blog post confirmed that Legendary Shards will be phased out in Destiny 2's The Final Shape expansion. The Destiny 2 economy team notes that Legendary Shards have been an unstable currency for years and ultimately determined that its depreciation may remove a point of frustration for players. The announcement was met with positive reception from many fans since they're glad that the in-game economy is being addressed, but other players are upset that their stockpile of Legendary Shards will no longer have a use. In addition, Bungie confirmed that a currency exchange for Legendary Shards will not be offered, and many concerns regarding the current Glimmer cap and prices of gear focusing were raised by the community. Bungie prepared a response for fans concerned about Legendary Shards depreciation just one day later on September 15.

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On Twitter, the Destiny 2 team addressed player feedback regarding the removal of Legendary Shards by making a few changes to its original plan. The drop rates for Glimmer, ritual engrams, Iron Banner Engrams, and other materials will be increased in Destiny 2. Bungie notes that the removal of Legendary Shards and the increase in material and Glimmer drop rates only make up an "early look" at its plans for the in-game economy. As a result, final values regarding the exact drop rate increase are still being tweaked by the development team.

Bungie reiterates that the removal of Legendary Shards from the Destiny 2 in-game economy will place emphasis on earning rewards such as weapons, armor, and other materials in The Final Shape. When The Final Shape launches, Legendary Shards will be removed entirely from all in-game sources. Further, Xur will seek "alternative" forms of payment since Legendary Shards will no longer exist in the sandbox. Legendary Shards will also disappear from the in-game currency bar, which also displays Silver, Glimmer, and Bright Dust numbers.

The Destiny 2 community appears to be more positive about the removal of Legendary Shards, but concerns regarding the game's current Glimmer cap remain. A Glimmer cap increase appears to be one of the most demanded changes by the community, but it remains to be seen if any notable changes to Glimmer will occur in The Final Shape and the subsequent Episodes. In the meantime, Destiny 2 players may want to use their Legendary Shards wisely in the seasons leading up to The Final Shape since the currency will no longer have value.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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