Destiny 2's Season of the Splicer is approaching its end, with the epilogue scheduled for next week at reset, and merely two weeks after that to prepare for what Season 15 will entail. Destiny 2 is one of those games where there is always something to do, and as such, there are several tasks that players can complete now to have a good head start when the next season drops. Obvious things to do before Season 15 include farming weapons that players are currently missing and completing as many Exotic quests as possible to catch up with all of the items that could become meta in less than three weeks now.
This is merely the tip of the iceberg, and there are many tips and tricks that Destiny 2 players might find useful in preparation for Season 15, starting with the Vanguard Tokens. Bungie announced that Season 15 will feature a reworked system for Strikes and Nightfalls where Zavala will now have a full ritual reputation, much like the Drifter and Shaxx, and the game will no longer support Vanguard Tokens. This makes now the best time to claim all the rewards from Zavala by turning the Tokens in.
Season of the Splicer Content and Past Seasons
Override and Expunge are not going to be removed just yet, and the seasonal content will last up until The Witch Queen expansion, making it critical to keep each character up to date with the events of the current season and completing the storyline. This allows players to farm for weapons and armor as they please and on the character they prefer. This is to ensure that no time is wasted playing the content from this or any other past Season, if players still haven't done that, and all the effort can be dedicated to what Season 15 will add.
Completing Current Seasonal Challenges
Considering that obtaining Bright Dust is not exactly easy, especially for players who like to get their seasonal sets from the Eververse Bright Dust store, completing the challenges for this season might be a good place to start. Not all of the challenges grant Bright Dust, but some do, and completing all of them also does. With this in mind, especially if there aren't too many challenges that players are currently missing, completing all of them could be very beneficial, and target farming the ones that provide Bright Dust is a valid alternative.
Armor Synthesis Bounties
Like other seasonal content in the game, the Armor Synthesis too comes with a maximum of ten bounties per character per season, meaning that now farming Synthstrands and completing those bounties is a good thing to do. Synthstrands will also be removed, and the current transmog system as players know it will likely change. Still, it's very plausible that the seasonal cap for bounties will remain, and completing as many of them as possible before Season 15 can help ease the grind.
Storing Glimmer
While Glimmer can't technically be stored in Destiny 2, players have found an ingenious way to have reserves to tap into when a new season starts. One of the most common ways to obtain Glimmer is to simply purchase it from the Spider for world materials, but considering the hard cap of 250.000 units, it's useful to bank some. To do so, players can purchase several copies of any Exotic sparrow, but the best bet would be the Otherside one. The sparrows can then be stored in the Vault and dismantled when needed, mostly recuperating all Glimmer and Legendary Shards spent.
Saving Umbral Engrams
Umbral Engrams can be kept in the inventory and won't expire when a new season launches, which means that saving them can help get the new seasonal weapons early on. Because Umbral Engrams are limited by inventory space and the fact that each of them takes one slot of the Postmaster's inventory as well, a good way to store them is to farm at least eight to ten per character and keep them until Season 15. This can provide players with early good rolls or even god rolls for the weapons coming next season. Theoretically, the same could be achieved with Prime Engrams, but they can't be focused, and thus obtaining new gear would be much harder.
Saving Planetary Materials, Enhancement Cores, Enhancement Prisms, and Ascendant Shards
Planetary materials always come in handy, and they can be purchased from the Spider at the cost of Glimmer or Legendary Shards, so depending on what players have the most it could be useful to stack a thousand or more of each. The same goes for Enhancement Cores and Enhancement Prisms, even though these are far more easily obtained by completing Nightfalls. Ascendant Shards can always be useful for Masterworking armor pieces and purchasing guns from the Monument to Lost Light alongside an Exotic Cypher, and again they can be obtained from Nightfalls?on Legend or Grandmaster difficulty.
Saving Bounties
This is likely one of the most important things players can do, as saving completed bounties and using them on day one of the new season means reaching rank 10 to 20 just by claiming them. Only a handful of bounties can be stored for each activity, meaning that players should devote some time to complete them and keep them towards the end of the current season. A total of 63 bounties can be stored, comprising those from the Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit, the Gunsmith, Trials, Iron Banner, Moon, Europa, EDZ, Cosmodrome, Nessus, and Splicer Servitor.
The ones that can help the most are Iron Banner bounties, though, because of two reasons. The first is that, if players are at maximum Power Level for this season, keeping them and using them at the start of Season 15 will immediately grant pinnacle gear. The second is that it can allow players to get new Iron Banner weapons before they are officially released once Iron Banner comes back later in the season. Overall, there's a lot to do before Season 15, and every bit helps in a game with as much grinding?as Destiny 2.
Destiny 2?is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.