Fans get a closer look at the Hunter armor they will be able to earn from Trials of Osiris later this year in Destiny's major fall expansion, Rise of Iron.

Destiny fans are eagerly awaiting any news about the game's next expansion, Rise of Iron, slated to launch this September. Destiny's developer Bungie says fans will get more information over the summer on the way to launch, but there has not been any news yet about when those reveals will happen.

However, Bungie did show off some of the armor that will be coming in Rise of Iron, specifically the Hunter armor earned from playing the Trials of Osiris. The developer tweeted out the below picture showing off the new gear.


The new armor is cat-themed, keeping in line with the Egyptian theme of the Trials of Osiris gear. The helmet features narrow cat-like eyes, there is a cat shoulder pad on the gauntlets, and the cape is emblazoned with an outline of a feline and cat-like ears popping off the top of the hood.

This armor also introduces a deep blue to the Trials of Osiris color palette, as the previous Year 2 armor has been pretty strictly black and yellow. The previous Hunter armor for Trials of Osiris was themed predominantly around the Eye of Ra.

Bungie recently also unveiled the raid armor, showing that off on the Titan class. Bungie has yet to show off what the new Trials of Osiris armor sets will look like for the Titan or Warlock.

Also unclear is whether this set is only available by going Flawless in Trials. Currently there is a set of armor that is only available by going Flawless or by?post-match on a player's fifth win. There is an additional armor set that can drop at random after any match of Trials of Osiris.

This is just one armor set that will be new is Rise of Iron, as the expansion is set to add a bevy of new armor and loot across the entire game as has been the case with previous expansions.

Fans will have to wait to see more—and even longer to actually earn the armor. Until then, Destiny's second year of Moments of Triumph is live, sending players on a quest to fulfill a number of activities and challenges like defeating Or on Hard and collecting all the Calcified Fragments in the game.

The opportunity for players to earn the exclusive Moments of Triumph rewards ends when Destiny: Rise of Iron launches September 20th on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.