Thanks to the various factions in Division 2 there are a variety of enemy types to hunt down the player. While the enemies adhere to almost a dozen or so archetypes each faction has their own twist on what that unit is capable of. For instance Hyenas tend to rush blindly into battle whereas Black Tusks tend to rely upon their advance weaponry and tactics.

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There are some units across the factions that are particularly troublesome. This could be due to their heavy armor, weaponry, lack of weakpoints, or effective combat strategies. Here are some of the toughest enemies in the game and what to do about them.

10 Black Tusk Medics

These units aren’t necessarily dangerous on their own, but their presence in a fire fight will be noticed. Their primary job is to run around healing allies and getting them back in the fight. But these medics are also capable of throwing EMP grenades that will prevent the player from using any of their skills for a period of time.

Veteran versions of these units will throw an EMP grenade that does damage over time. It’s important to put them down quickly with headshots, perhaps waiting for them to be distracted reviving someone.

9 True Sons Rusher

The True Sons Rusher unit will rush the player and blast them up close with a shotgun. It seems like a poor strategy but in practice is surprisingly effective, especially if they have backup. They also have a tendency to surprise the player by flanking.

The trick with these units is to notice them. They don’t have a lot of armor and headshots will take them down quickly. If they manage to get the drop on the player they can do a lot of damage so it’s important to keep an eye on your six.

8 True Sons Sniper

The True Sons Sniper fights at a distance, typically behind cover, with a Marksman Rifle. They can do serious damage to the player with even a poorly aimed shot. They’re also effective at keeping the player pinned down and punishing them for coming out of cover.

Admittedly their shots are advertised in advance with an obvious lens flare so it isn’t hard to dive behind cover. The main tactic for taking them out is with the player’s own sniper rifle especially if they’re Sharpshooters. Barring that they are weak at close range with only their sidearm, but the player has to get that close which can be tricky.

7 Black Tusk Heavy Gunner

The Black Tusk’s way of flexing is to send out these monsters into battle. They boast heavy armor and a Minigun that can shred any player who stands outside of cover too long. When not doing massive damage they’ll keep players pinned down allowing their allies to get into better position.

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They do have two weakspots, the backpack they wear and the ammo belt. The ammo belt is a bit easier to hit and causes bullets to fly off randomly and hit anyone in their path. Staying alive while under a barrage is another story.

6 Outcast Heavy

The Outcast Heavy Gunner wields an LMG that has decent range and incredible damage potential. They also come with a lot of armor and use cover very effectively. Where the Black Tusk variant is a bit exposed, these soldiers utilize a bit more caution and strategy than brute force.

They don’t have any weakpoints so the only real tactic is to shoot off their helmet and go for headshots. Alone they aren’t too much of a problem, but with support they can really do some damage and keep the player pinned down.

5 Black Tusk Controllers

Black Tusk tanks are a major problem and can be a royal pain to take down. The Controllers that keep them up and running are similarly a problem and must be dealt with first. The Controller’s jobe is to keep the tank chugging along.

When not repairing a tank they use incendiary grenades to flush the player out and give the tank a target. Taking them out without a tank nearby is a piece of cake, but they’ll never be without one which is why they’re such a problem.

4 Black Tusk Sniper

Black Tusk Snipers are a threat whether they’re alone or with a group. Their rifles do incredible damage at long distances and they come with enough armor to take a few hits themselves. They also utilize scout drones to spot targets and give them an advantage in combat.

The same tactic with the True Sons Sniper applies, dodge their advertised shots, take them out with a sniper rifle, or rush in while a drone keeps them pinned down and deal with them up close. The difference is they do more damage with their shots and they’re better armed and armored in close quarters.

3 Warhound

The Warhound is a demonstration of Black Tusk’s efforts to win the war with superior technology and firepower. This automated robot has no weakness and a powerful cannon that can take the player out in a few hits.

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They aren’t indestructible, but with their heavy armor they’ll certainly feel that way. Explosive damage helps quite a bit, but if players aren’t invested in the Demolitionist skill tree they’re looking at a long drawn out fight against a tough foe. It doesn’t help that they don’t move and attack the same way humans do.

2 True Sons?Heavy Gunner

The True Sons Heavy Gunner is major pain whenever they appear on the battlefield. They have incredible amounts of armor and no weak points to speak of. They do incredible damage at distances with their LMG or a Grenade Launcher.

The player’s only hope is to whittle their armor down enough to get some solid hits in. Though even with the Magazine perk ammo is going to be a problem. This is also assuming the tank isn’t advancing on the player or has allies flanking. It is effectively a bullet sponge with a lot of teeth behind it.

1 Outcast Tank

Perhaps the most nightmarish unit in this game is the Outcast Tank. The armored beasts wade into battle with Sledgehammers rather than fancy guns. They take an absurd amount of bullets to penetrate their armor and all the while they’re advancing on the player with a monstrous melee weapon.

The only strategy is to kite them as they don’t move very fast. Of course, this is easier said than done if the Outcast tank has any allies whatsoever to keep the player pinned down or distracted. Also unless the player is a Survivalist that armor isn’t going down any time soon.

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